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darlin-clementine OP t1_ix3qalx wrote

Y’all are nuts! Lol, to answer your questions: I did not put the cashew in my ear, nor did I eat my earbud.

My headphones fell off of my nightstand. As, I occasionally enjoy a packet of chocolate cashews, there was a rogue one on the floor. When I went to pick up my headphones, I grabbed a headphone and the cashew thinking they were the pair.


MrWeirdoFace t1_ix477fo wrote

>I did not put the cashew in my ear, nor did I eat my earbud.

Don't knock it till you try it.


Dr_Troglodyte t1_ix48us4 wrote

And then you realised you're wearing your safety glasses instead of prescription ones.


puffmaster5000 t1_ix4bufd wrote

How do you even wear those, that's a design I've never seen before


manyahadam t1_ix53yqx wrote

Even this example is hilarious thnx man skskskdsk


KatzMwwow t1_ix6vv2g wrote

Seth Meyers taught me that cashews are not nuts.