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trrrroy OP t1_ixusd0t wrote

These were all found lost in a 1/8" gap between my wall and bathroom cabinet. I'm doing a bathroom remodel and removed that cabinet otherwise I would have never found them. None of them are mine so these are all from previous residents of the house. 23 combs in total.


Determire t1_ixus1d5 wrote

Makes me think of how many random objects end up down air vents, especially in SFH rental properties with families ( children) ... Fixing the furnace/AC accidentally turns into toy recovery and trash disposal.

Even better is when you do a bathroom remodel on a mid-century bath, that had the razor disposal slot in the medicine cabinet, all of the used razor blades would end up down in the wall cavity.

Are you sure there is not a USED COMB SLOT on the vanity?


Justmike67 t1_ixusox3 wrote

Afraid to ask what’s behind your fridge!


AccaEmme t1_ixurcf6 wrote

How often do you clean the bathroom 😂


Malumeze86 t1_ixv75sj wrote

How often do you clean 1/8" cracks between the wall and the cabinet?


AccaEmme t1_ixv8rhh wrote

Every week my girlfriend is obsessed


Knife-yWife-y t1_ixxahiq wrote

Most likely, that's the gap leftover after the vanity was mounted to the wall. The only way to "clean" back there is removing the vanity.


zabts t1_ixustih wrote

I have a set of those picks, they're complete trash lol


Zarzeta t1_ixvh9uj wrote

Blame it on the previous resident's cat.