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morekushnforthepushn t1_iy6ozdn wrote

Now I've seen bagged milk AND shampoo in a milk jug 🤯


ergonaut t1_iy6p3dz wrote

But have you seen bagged shampoo?


azamimatsuri t1_iy76zjg wrote

Quite a few Japanese hair, body and skincare products come in bags used to refill the original container (I’ve seen some shampoo containers where you put the pump in the actual bag and switch it out when you’re done)


CreatoSnail t1_iy6y7cb wrote

I don't know if I saw bagged shampoo before, but I have seen bagged hand soap.


SparkyDogPants t1_iy76x1b wrote

I mean yeah. That’s the normal way to sell it in bulk