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BadgerSituation t1_ixztar3 wrote

Why'd they bother with other apples when Pink Lady is there?


KonoPez t1_ixztic2 wrote

Spoken like someone who’s never had a cosmic crisp


BadgerSituation t1_ixzzi8v wrote

I'll admit to that.

I've just tried so many apples over my life, and nothing ever came close to being as good as Pink Lady, so I assumed this was just one more on the pile of meh.

I just looked into it and can't find them available anywhere in my country, but they apparently launched in Europe this year, so I'll keep an eye out.


KonoPez t1_iy02w8e wrote

Yes they’re fairly new, still not widely available here in the US. Actually now that I think about, not sure if I’ve had a Pink Lady. Maybe I’ll take a look at the grocery store soon


BadgerSituation t1_iy040or wrote


Look at us apple bros, pushing each other into new orchardly delights.


cleverdylanrefrence t1_iy49gpb wrote

Idk friend, honeycrisps are hard to beat


KonoPez t1_iy49lcr wrote

Honeycrisp is very good, but Cosmic Crisp was engineered to basically be a better Honeycrisp


Martissimus t1_ixzl0ys wrote

Imma let you finish, but Elstar is one of the best cultivars of all time


PotentialFine0270 OP t1_ixzm3jy wrote

Interesting! I’ve never had one before, googled it and they sound amazing


Martissimus t1_ixzrn3z wrote

In the Netherlands, it's about the default apple, and a third of the price of many other cultivars.


Distant-moose t1_ixzqq7s wrote

They've got the wrong description for red delicious.


mcnabb100 t1_iy1wsmg wrote

Alternate copy: "garbage"


Distant-moose t1_iy1xy3d wrote

Dry mealy flesh, tastes like your dad running out to get a pack of smokes and not coming back. During the holidays.


mcnabb100 t1_iy1y2gq wrote

So true.

For some reason it’s the only apples my dad likes.

I can’t figure out what’s wrong with him.


Chuck710Taylor t1_ixzrvx6 wrote

And that is just a small sample of the different types of apples


KonoPez t1_ixztlyk wrote

I like how even something that’s supposed to advertise apples can’t say much positive about Red Delicious


PotentialFine0270 OP t1_iy01cuq wrote

Yes! The most poorly advertised apple in history. I feel like they had to put delicious in the name to get people to buy it


stpeaa t1_iy06v48 wrote

I refuse to buy trademarked apples. The idea alone is insane to me. Plus, you pay a premium for the marketing.

As you might know, Pink Lady is not even a variety, but only a stupid brandname. The off brand name is Cripps Pink, which is literally the same apple.


MentallyMusing t1_ixzok6z wrote

Nice! I read not too long ago about a town that provided (and was promoted tourist wise) as the place that the Original apple variety was grown.... GMO and breed creation within a species is something I find really interesting and we have the most publicly available information regarding vegetation as opposed to animals. Nice find!


rockmow t1_ixzzggx wrote

Fun fact cosmic crisp doesn’t turn brown and can last up to 1 year in the fridge. Kinda expensive though. My college developed that variety a few years back


mcnabb100 t1_iy1wp08 wrote

I'm SweeTango all the way.