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Noreaster0 t1_iy5tzr6 wrote

Can survive 25 minutes in the general population.


HALF_PAST_HOLE t1_iy5u4pp wrote

The world needs more rat facts, they get a bad rap but are very smart and great pets! To all parents, if your kid wants a dog get them a rat first they are like little dogs in hamster form; but a bit easier to care for, and they set the stage for the responsibility of a full-blown dog! I had two growing up and I still miss them to this day (R.I.P. Romeo and Juliet)


FamiliarWater t1_iy6kazc wrote

A rat can swim for 72 hours non-stop ?

Guess I found my new timer.


Soulforge411 t1_iy7a94o wrote

Shit to think about while your high lol