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PunnyBaker t1_iy2a0m3 wrote

Guess they couldn't get a grip on things. They really didn't grasp the depth of the issue


wheresmychaplak t1_iy27mzv wrote

Seems Canadian to me eh


Chuck710Taylor t1_iy2868d wrote

I just bought 6 and went to look for the explanation. No dice.


Jesus-Mcnugget t1_iy2atay wrote

The supplier ran out of apology labels.


Infidian t1_iy5inv6 wrote

They’re probably going to forget once they realize how much more profitable they are making that extra .01 per unit.


LucidZane t1_iy3ozb3 wrote

They handled this poorly. Some would even say they didn't handle it at all.


chupathingy99 OP t1_iy5k5th wrote

I think I just sighed myself into a coma


HotSalsaAssFire t1_iy5psvm wrote

Well I for one don’t think their excuse holds water. They could find another way to tackle this handle issue.


scallifez t1_iy28l6a wrote

Crystal Geyser, the only water that actively makes you more thirsty from drinking it. Or is it Arrowhead?


OneTyler2Many t1_iy3znon wrote

I buy the same water. Was wondering what happened to the little white handle at the top. The jugs where I live have no apology on the back.


DepartmentNatural t1_iy2ji5h wrote

Hopefully, they are going back to the stick-on handle. Once they cheaped out and switched to the push-on handle, which breaks after a few uses, I stopped buying them.


Not that I buy a lot of these but I use them for work and camping and they would last over a year


Riegel_Haribo t1_iy47g5r wrote

"Broad supply chain" aka container ship from China.


Plenty-Point4351 t1_iy6d11o wrote

This one tastes so bad. Poland spring gang for life


Excivious t1_iy2fruz wrote

It's probably because the last person that posted this took it with em..


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_iy4ghuw wrote

  1. Why would a water bottle need a handle? 2. Why are you destroying the planet?

chupathingy99 OP t1_iy5d4j8 wrote

  1. It's a big bottle. 2. I recycle them.

Fickle_Competition33 t1_iy5oesr wrote

  1. Their bottle is fully rPET, they own their own PET recycling facility where they produce the bottles.

That's the only bottled water I buy, when I have to buy bottled water.


PsyFiFungi t1_iy4gz6s wrote

Because a gallon of water is heavy, karen. Virtue signal somewhere else. If you need it, get it. If you don't, don't. If you get it, recycle.


RonSwansonsOldMan t1_iy4i0b1 wrote

My guess would be that your tap water is fine. But if you just have to have bottled, use the refillable 5 gallon jugs.


PsyFiFungi t1_iy4xvuy wrote

My tap water? You didn't mention me or my tap water. Personally? I drink tap water almost exclusively, and if I ever get a plastic bottle I reuse it (even beyond a safe amount of times) then recycle it. But your original comment was pretty out of pocket towards OP. Lot of pretentious assumptions.

Again, you don't know someone's personal situation. Sure, if you're in a place with good tap water and exclusively drink bottled water because you have the money to do so, that's not really great. If you grab it when you need it either for emergencies or because you needed it at that time and to use later to refill and recycle, then so what?


Drackar39 t1_iy2eusv wrote

Supply chain is too unstable to carry handles, but plenty robust enough to stock stacks of labels shitting on the supply chain?


angg56 t1_iy380w1 wrote

Yeah, it's pretty easy to change what a printer is printing. Not so much to ensure you're getting a structural element that can safely support a gallon of water.


Drackar39 t1_iy4m3ne wrote

LOL bottle water company simps.

These people deserve to rot in hell, and you're backing them over this petty "insult the supply chain" dig.


Cadllmn t1_iy4osno wrote

You know an apology label shitting on the supply chain for apology labels would be more mildly interesting though.