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AdmireHotGirls t1_iy7cv0p wrote

I always love when the time you put in results in good outcomes!


Kirstae OP t1_iy7cytr wrote

Yeah I love watching people buy the stock I grow! So rewarding!


[deleted] t1_iyb6z9p wrote

There’s something about a long flower that doesn’t sit well with me


CC-1112 t1_iy82afj wrote

I remember a teacher showing my class a picture like this one. She said it had down syndrome. Idk if she was right


ShutUpAndEatWithMe t1_iy8w62s wrote

Down Syndrome is a human disorder in which there's a wrong number of chromosomes (trisomy 21 -- three sets of the 21st chromosome instead of two, totaling 47 chromosomes instead of 46). Other animals do not have Down Syndrome due to this specific definition; they can have their own mutations that yield outcomes similar to human Down Syndrome though (source). That said, this daisy does not have Down Syndrome since it's not possible. This phenomenon is called fasciation, which can be due to genetic mutations or environmental factors (source).