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Ok-Panic-3940 t1_j2fl1he wrote

“The Educator” sounds a bit ominous. Sounds like it’s for some kind of a weapon.


KorgX3 t1_j2fqfpj wrote

Probably the name of the paddle wielded by any American high school vice principal. Though our VP's paddle was named Bertha.


itsboomer t1_j2frebv wrote

It also sounds like a movie starring either Liam Neeson or Denzel Washington.


HanMaBoogie t1_j2fs6sz wrote

Awfully close to "The Substitute" starring Tom Berenger.


mrgreyeyes t1_j2fvvm9 wrote

If this one fails they will break out "The "Driller"


daggersrule t1_j2fltb4 wrote

I remember seeing one of those for the first time in like 3rd grade, and I spent the whole class thinking about how the hell out worked. I'm almost 40 now, and it still puzzles me.


AyrA_ch t1_j2fv6kx wrote

The bottom part is just a touch screen. The LCD display is just that, an LCD display. They're naturally transparent. Your standard calculator has a mirror behind the display so it appears opaque. And LCD computer screens have a lamp behind them to make them work in the dark and not depend on an external light source. The displays have liquid crystals sandwiched between two glass panes. Sending a current through the panes will align the crystals, and in combination with a polarizer foil, block the light. In other words, the black "ink" you see is not actually ink, but the absence of light, or a shadow.


LisleSwanson t1_j2fmcac wrote

Are overheard projectors still in common use or can I post a picture to /r/nostalgia?


Grand_Protector_Dark t1_j2fs15i wrote

In Germany, sadly yes.

The digitisation of school is moving forward at a snails pace. 5th largest economy on the planet, bruh.


w1n5t0nM1k3y t1_j2fsgsn wrote

Probably for the best. I'm in Canada and a bunch of schools around me have smart boards. They really aren't any more effecting than a black board and cost a lot of money.


CrouchingToaster OP t1_j2fwsa5 wrote

If your school district was like mine, they upgraded to smart boards but didn't bother giving any of the teachers lessons on how to use it. So it's not used at all in like 80 percent of the classes.


Deitaphobia t1_j2fpp25 wrote

You forgot to put in the zeroes.


photonicsguy t1_j2ft5lz wrote

Isn't the solar panel facing the wrong way? :D


Bcbulbchap t1_j2fu7i7 wrote

Sad, but I imagine a lot of kids these days, might not know what an overhead projector is.


Stupify_Me t1_j2fmdqv wrote

I remember growing up and my mother had a wood paddle that said “Educator” in it.


chimpdudex t1_j2fvw8n wrote

I wanna know what happens when you press the "SIMP" button