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ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jd11y wrote

As opposed to individually wrapped stir sticks?


[deleted] t1_j1jdhxr wrote



ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jdzro wrote

One thing.

That dude that just came out of the bathroom after taking a shit didn't wash his hands, and he just grabbed one of those stirrers and in doing so touched several other of the stirrers.

But you do you.

Edit: you're also making assumptions about plastic. There are enviro-friendly approaches to this that don't use plastic and come from renewable resources.


[deleted] t1_j1jeebi wrote



ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jf1ua wrote

You're reaching pretty far in this silly endeavor of trying to be right about something. You may go around completely willing to put the shit of other people in your body, but I'll make active efforts to refrain from doing so and support businesses who exercise more sanitary approaches to things.

Go ahead and get your last word response in, but I think I'm all set here. Happy holidays 😃


[deleted] t1_j1jgcsc wrote



_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mmz1y wrote

I don't see how food waste is a better moral option myself. Also, pasta expires and molds etc. If a company cared so much just use normal spoons and wash them. Boom. Problem solved but people wanna be hipster about stuff.


[deleted] t1_j1mnpi7 wrote



_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1moa62 wrote

I'm positive a hungry person would fully disagree with you. That and it's gross to leave food in the open air. It would not be passing a health code. Also that window is nasty.

Also you are pretending that plastic wasn't used in both the pasta packaging and Hopefully a rubber glove.

This isn't helping a thing and can I say... just use normal spoons. It's dumb.


[deleted] t1_j1mt31u wrote



_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mwwpp wrote

You really just want to win or have the last word and again, you are not considering the packaging for the pasta or the carbon footprint of making it, transporting it, the packaging the multiple packages are in. You aren't saying a thing or using less plastic. It's just unsanitary.

Your first claim is dumb and so is your last.