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Cubs90NA t1_j1jo8w3 wrote

I'm gonna slap the first mofo that puts his pasta in my coffee...


lobster-overrun t1_j1kfclb wrote

Well, yeah. You’re supposed to be stirring your own coffee. I’d slap someone else who tried to stir mine without asking first.


cubicleninja t1_j1j4ct3 wrote

As someone that doesn't agree with gluten, fuck those things.


All0uttaBubblegum t1_j1k4sch wrote

Too bad there’s NOTHING else there you could use to stir with! Oh wait…


[deleted] t1_j1j4zrm wrote



Strange-Garden- t1_j1jq37h wrote

“Omg! There is a worm in my stuffed cabbage!!!”

“No, hun, that’s just a piece of spaghetti in your stuffed cabbage”

“Oh, you’re right…. Why is there a singular piece of spaghetti in my stuffed cabbage?”

“Uhh, magic!”


Ok-Opportunity-574 t1_j1l50kg wrote

Seems like it would work.

BTW, that "Stevia in the raw" is mostly maltodextrin and dextrose. You know, sugar. LOL They've been forced to change their label multiple times to more clearly show it.

Actual pure stevia is measured out in tiny amounts so they added a bunch of fillers so it's the same familiar packet amount. I have a diabetic family member who couldn't figure out why the stuff was making their blood sugar jump until I told them. They now use pure stevia measured with a 1/16 teaspoon. No blood sugar impact.


LopsidedPotential711 t1_j1mll76 wrote

Bamboo grows like a fuckin' weed. But sure, let's waste food instead, just to be special.


_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mn5rv wrote

Or just use spoons and wash them. I agree. They just want to be hipster about stuff.


anon_girl_anon t1_j1jpq1l wrote

I love the taste of pasta in my lattes.


walnut853 t1_j1lsu3j wrote

Isn't the spaghetti going to deposit starch into your coffee or it is not in the mug long enough?


TheDoctorPizza t1_j1jw1uk wrote

not gluten free.


Ok-Opportunity-574 t1_j1l56zf wrote

Then use the knives directly in front of them. The rest of us that can have gluten are not obligated to rid the world of it.


Askmyrkr t1_j1mf3o5 wrote

I WANT to agree with you, but I feel like maybe not having your coffee have gluten added to it is a fair request. Like normally coffee doesn't have gluten, no one is saying get rid of all gluten, they are saying don't needlessly add it to things it has no business being in.

Like I'd be equally grossed out if someone wanted to stir my milkshake with spaghetti, or if someone wanted to have me drink my soda through a manicotti straw. It just doesn't belong there.


jas___03 t1_j1kzsib wrote

is there literally any benefit to this? whether it’s wood or pasta it’s still manmade from plants and could be seen as wasteful lol


_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mncg4 wrote

I agree plus add wasting food. So pasta would technically be worse. How about just washing some cheap ass metal spoons?


_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mnm59 wrote

The filthy window next to the expiring and probably mold growing pasta is a nice addition as well.


ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1j665g wrote

That all seems so....what's the word I'm looking for? Ah, yes. Sanitary.


[deleted] t1_j1j9x5x wrote



ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jd11y wrote

As opposed to individually wrapped stir sticks?


[deleted] t1_j1jdhxr wrote



ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jdzro wrote

One thing.

That dude that just came out of the bathroom after taking a shit didn't wash his hands, and he just grabbed one of those stirrers and in doing so touched several other of the stirrers.

But you do you.

Edit: you're also making assumptions about plastic. There are enviro-friendly approaches to this that don't use plastic and come from renewable resources.


[deleted] t1_j1jeebi wrote



ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jf1ua wrote

You're reaching pretty far in this silly endeavor of trying to be right about something. You may go around completely willing to put the shit of other people in your body, but I'll make active efforts to refrain from doing so and support businesses who exercise more sanitary approaches to things.

Go ahead and get your last word response in, but I think I'm all set here. Happy holidays 😃


[deleted] t1_j1jgcsc wrote



_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mmz1y wrote

I don't see how food waste is a better moral option myself. Also, pasta expires and molds etc. If a company cared so much just use normal spoons and wash them. Boom. Problem solved but people wanna be hipster about stuff.


[deleted] t1_j1mnpi7 wrote



_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1moa62 wrote

I'm positive a hungry person would fully disagree with you. That and it's gross to leave food in the open air. It would not be passing a health code. Also that window is nasty.

Also you are pretending that plastic wasn't used in both the pasta packaging and Hopefully a rubber glove.

This isn't helping a thing and can I say... just use normal spoons. It's dumb.


[deleted] t1_j1mt31u wrote



_thankyoucomeagain_ t1_j1mwwpp wrote

You really just want to win or have the last word and again, you are not considering the packaging for the pasta or the carbon footprint of making it, transporting it, the packaging the multiple packages are in. You aren't saying a thing or using less plastic. It's just unsanitary.

Your first claim is dumb and so is your last.