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PinkPickledOnion t1_j25z5d8 wrote

I’m in the US and never have specifically seen any gas marked as unleaded. That’s what makes it odd not the fact that there are different octanes.


thirdeyefish t1_j27dpg7 wrote

Youngster. Even for years after leaded was phased out, I would still see 'unleaded' marked on EVERY pump. And I'm only 40.


JenniFrmTheBlock81 t1_j27v1ad wrote

It's been labeled unleaded my whole life. Where does it NOT say it? 87 is unleaded, 89 is midgrade, and 93 premium


thirdeyefish t1_j27v7uq wrote

Honestly, I stopped paying attention a while ago. Now I drive electric so I won't be looking any time soon.


PinkPickledOnion t1_j27f4sl wrote

But this is the only one marked and it’s a higher octane than the pump directly to the right.


TerminallyFriendly t1_j260thy wrote

I’m 99% sure in the USA it’s all unleaded unless specified otherwise for maybe like high quality drag fuel or something.


PinkPickledOnion t1_j261ay9 wrote

Ya that’s my point. It’s like putting “gluten free!” on cell phone packaging.


mr_sedate t1_j27lj5d wrote


I can buy 100 octane leading racing fuel at a Sunoco about 20 minutes away. It's usually $14.99/gallon.