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Eirikur_da_Czech t1_j118b2v wrote

That’s not uncommon in my area. They have huge long lines and have multiple people out walking through the line taking orders


jonlevine t1_j11d6h7 wrote

The ones here in Atlanta have those. The drive through lanes are three across, so someone has to walk out to deliver the food to the two lanes that are not close to the window. It’s actually pretty smart. You pay when you order the food from the employee holding the tablet, then just pull up, grab your food, and go.


SageTegan t1_j118fyq wrote

They might be homophobic and racist but that's a decent idea for a drive thru


rainman253 t1_j1182ri wrote

Tyler TX has one like that.


Amity83 t1_j11f8ab wrote

It is amazing that they are so much better than pretty much every other fast food joint and no one seems to be able to compete at all.

Popeye’s chicken sandwich is legit, but everything else there sucks and all the ones I’ve been to in CT, NY, and NJ are disgustingly filthy inside.


f0n1xr131ng t1_j11thcp wrote

Enough to make you ignore the homophobia and racism,


stevinder t1_j15ouhi wrote

Not very practical in my area, where it’s -27C outside today.


Halvaard t1_j15twap wrote

With their weird fetish of having workers outside huffing car fumes, this makes perfect sense.


thebriarwitch t1_j16xcet wrote

Hamilton oh is like this now too. Wasn’t like that last year though.