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DirtySeuss414 t1_j1nrxts wrote

Yeah I’m not positive but I feel like it’s alive and just waiting for better days


Spooky_Noodle_ OP t1_j1nsxxg wrote

The scientist in me has to tell you that I am very confident in that a horseshoe crab would not survive this. Freeze tolerance is pretty rare, and there aren't any spiders (horseshoes crab modern day relatives) that can survive being frozen for a long period of time like this guy. Not to mention it's out been out of the water for a while by now.


DirtySeuss414 t1_j1nw2qn wrote

:( I hate it when the scientist in you comes out to crush my horseshoe crab dreams. I accept this reality :,(


Khaldara t1_j1oc7jv wrote

The silver lining being that for anyone long awaiting a crab popsicle, your ship has come in


Arugula_Fan t1_j1ou6ru wrote

This could also be a molted shell. I’ve seen them a lot, looks like a live horseshoe crab, but it’s empty.


Spooky_Noodle_ OP t1_j1pb6o3 wrote

Looked solid to me, posted an update of the other (top) side


LoneWulf14 t1_j1p6k8c wrote

Feed into that scientist within you and thaw the little guy out. For science!


arothen t1_j1phyz7 wrote

It's probably been dead for a while in water, got thrown out to the beach and then froze.


Agitated-Joey t1_j1qbzqn wrote

The scientist side of me however is a little bit different. I’d throw that mf in a microwave and bring it back to life that way. You know, like how the microwave was first used and invented.


Andire t1_j1qwr4c wrote

>there aren't any spiders (horseshoes crab modern day relatives) that can survive being frozen for a long period of time

Ah, but ya boy is far removed from anything modern!!


truedoom t1_j1pozfk wrote

Is this why they never holiday to northern Europe?