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RedChaos92 t1_j249m1u wrote

I'm in the lucky 35% of the population that didn't get wisdom teeth at all.

Saw what several of my friends and my ex went through getting them pulled - no thanks.


clumsyc t1_j24nfky wrote

I only grew two! Maybe that’s why getting them removed didn’t seem so bad - just a few days of swelling.


bflatmusic7 t1_j2567hz wrote

I went to high school with a kid who had 8? He said they were genuinely all wisdom teeth and not just extra teeth being removed from crowding. Swelling is usually pretty bad, but his face was literally doubled the normal width


RedChaos92 t1_j256baf wrote

Jesus. Poor guy, that had to have been a rough recovery.


Mase598 t1_j27x41j wrote

Every time I see a post about wisdom teeth I'm reminded of my horrid experience.


Long story short, 4 wisdom teeth 1 on each corner. I only had them numb my mouth. If I remember correctly the right side was fine which happens to be where they started. They did my top left 3rd and it definitely wasn't as numb, but not too bad at all so whatever. 4th tooth, bottom left, felt like it wasn't numbed whatsoever.


The amount of force I put into my grip on the arm rests of the chair and how hard I dug into the rests with my elbows to not be shaking was insane. The chair along with my shirt was soaked in sweat from how much pain I was in.


They asked if I was okay from my facial expressions and if I could feel it, told them I was fine. I was not fine. I just wanted it to be over since they already started on it and it was the last tooth.


Now everything considered... Realistically speaking it's not that bad getting them pulled, but I'm also extremely comfortable when it comes to needles, dental work, etc. If I wasn't a hard ass about wanting them to continue since otherwise it was another 15ish minutes to numb more, it wouldn't have even been too bad.


RedChaos92 t1_j292sii wrote

They didn't knock you out for that? My ex had 2 pulled and they knocked her out cold for the procedure


Mase598 t1_j2ajwq6 wrote

Worth mentioning I'm in Ontario, Canada. Not sure if maybe it's different in different parts of the world but for me and my sister when we've done it, we had 1 of 3 options.


I believe it was the numbing thing which I did, I think it's laughing gas which I believe my sister did, and the good ol' knock out.


It was progressively more expensive and like I said I'm generally comfortable with all that stuff, so I chose the numbing. The knock out sounded the most fun though going off videos of people post procedure.


RedChaos92 t1_j2ao2z0 wrote

The post knockout loopies are very entertaining for everyone around you 😂