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kadinshino t1_j24kyi1 wrote

I got a deal for you. How about 2 penny’s.


Dysomma t1_j24n92e wrote

The correct term is stamp challenged.


FlameU-3-U t1_j24vvuf wrote

my great grandma said that's worth around 1k


ChaiTRex t1_j25dkm0 wrote

You can make a lot of money if you bet people and they choose tails.


HalfDollarEnthusiast t1_j26itam wrote

They are possible, but very hard to replicate. They have a very distinct look to them and the patina (because of the copper) has a natural aged look. A trained eye will be able to distinguish between a genuine and counterfeit (Look up “Large Cent blank planchet” on Google, you’ll see what I mean)


Secret-Squirrel86 t1_j27pg84 wrote

Have it put into on of those plastic containers collectable coins come in and hold onto it, it will probably become worth a good amount of money someday. Right now it's probably worth 100 to 300 times it's face value though; which is just $1 to $3.