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punkerjim t1_j6fhzab wrote

That shit wishes it was the blue album


olivier_wmv t1_j6fma1b wrote

Did you leave it out on an island in the sun?


TimmyLivealie t1_j6fybqj wrote

Is this the one with Africa? Definitely my favorite Weezer song

Edit: I thought this was obvious satire but alright


EmbarrassedToe627 t1_j6g2470 wrote

Weezer is the worst thing to happen to music since Yoko Ono.


Noreaster0 t1_j6g62ho wrote

What’s with these homies dissing this album?


MyVoiceIsElevating t1_j6gjahq wrote

I mean who cares. So much music out there, no reason we all have to love the same stuff.

I have a feeling that some of these homies listen to literal ass. Like they pop in their earbuds to listen to ASMR of butts and sharts. If that was your kind of thing, you’d probably hate Weezer too.

P.S. I get the reference.


zorbacles t1_j6gxyvx wrote

i love the blue album so all is good.


joshuamca t1_j6gy6rq wrote

Put it back, it’s clearly not done yet.


aido120 t1_j6hfudu wrote

Wuts with dees homies dissing moi girl


ColaWeeb98 t1_j6htfb1 wrote

Someone's gonna find this in a second hand shop someday and feel totally betrayed when it's the Green Album and not Blue


RedHattedGuy t1_j6hy00n wrote

I think you left this on an island in the sun


formenonly t1_j6in9wd wrote

This album gives me high school flashbacks.


GameSpection t1_j6iyfqp wrote

If you get all four albums and lay them all next to eachother in a certain way, it looks like the windows logo


aasasss32 t1_j6jfkwv wrote

Don’t Let Go (green album reference) of that CD!


IndependantFence t1_j6k3i6w wrote

same thing happened to my green book while it was sitting in my car! The whole thing turned blue and I thought I was going insane that day until I used my brain lol