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HOARDING_STACKING t1_j61902o wrote

I'd like to know the process of putting that down as a floor.


JerkGurk t1_j63331s wrote

First the paper, then the epoxy.


HOARDING_STACKING t1_j633zgd wrote

I strongly disagree. It seems like it would be epoxy, paper then more epoxy and paper as the project progresses. You can't just throw a bunch of paper on the floor and epoxy over it and expect the paper closest to the floor to bond.


Dependent_Put76 t1_j618r0e wrote

thats really cool but poor books


lem0nhead420 t1_j61hhey wrote

I made my son's floor out of comic book pages. It turned out awesome


carlosamartinez t1_j63ghfw wrote

Sounds cool! Please share photos!


Mmjuser4life t1_j65932a wrote

Serious question, as your son grows he may no longer be interested in comic books, how hard would it be to remove that floor?


lem0nhead420 t1_j65k6eg wrote

Probably very hard. It's under epoxy. He's grown and gone but we still like the floor. If anything we would put flooring over it.


MDM0724 t1_j65pju3 wrote

Pretty hard, but you can put stuff over it pretty easy


LostDog_88 t1_j624snf wrote

that's a nice concept!... but i don't think many Indians or Hindus in general will be stepping into that bookstore iykyk XD


realnovo t1_j65rtdg wrote

Why is that?


LostDog_88 t1_j66w7ih wrote

Indian culture or hinduism in general believes that God(s) are omnipresent, and touching something with our leg is seen as disrespecting the god inside that object. This is not only related to Hinduism nowadays, I've seen many other people following different religions do the same... ig its now become an Indian culture kinda thing

While growing up as well, if something had fallen on ground we were always encouraged to pick up the item by hand, and we were discouraged from picking it up using our legs, and now it's become a habit... you would rarely see an Indian pick up a fallen item using their leg

Books are given high respect in our culture, and Hinduism also has a god who is said to reside in books.. the god of knowledge, basically similar to athena in greek. Other religion people also hold the same amount of respect for books... hence why most Indians might feel bad while walking on that kinda floor


Shoddy-Impact-5545 t1_j618wbk wrote

Cool idea,,,is it varnished to protect it?


disgruntledcentipede OP t1_j61eb8u wrote

Yeah it was varnished, I didn’t look too close but I don’t think it was epoxy. It was a little rough.


realnovo t1_j65s10b wrote

Imagine, walking in and somebody is just down on the floor reading the floor book..


Hellooutthere1122 t1_j63lr9k wrote

This is a good idea as long as the just used damaged books that there was no hope in saving. Better than just tossing them in the trash


disgruntledcentipede OP t1_j645co9 wrote

That’s my thought too. It was a used book store that just moved locations, I’m assuming that’s what they did.


ColoOddball t1_j62baqq wrote

I’m a little nauseous but I love it.


Eskil92 t1_j63iu02 wrote

How do you chose the books for this? I mean you don't want to sacrifice good books for this but i don't think i would like to have bad once there.


unknown6091 t1_j64536l wrote

This is activating my anxiety


Drag0nfly_Girl t1_j66at8k wrote

Not sure I could step onto that. It would feel almost sacrilegious.


redlion351 t1_j62kmrg wrote

Awesome! Where is this?


lakshmananlm t1_j638p40 wrote

Larry Mcmurtry must be thrilled..


Eaton_snatch t1_j63u33v wrote

Looks like one page duplicated from the same book


eaglebtc t1_j64ywsf wrote

Where is this bookstore? Name and city, please.


richcournoyer t1_j620jll wrote

Made from or just covered in?


boing757 t1_j625fha wrote

The floor is made of wood and covered in pieces of paper. It's not 'made' of paper.
