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P7BinSD t1_j6im8yv wrote

Is that Brendan Fraser's ride?


theveryrealreal t1_j6jdnz5 wrote

Thanks, it's literally been weeks since I have seen this posted.


wombey12 t1_j6jim00 wrote

This and the dog toy are the two most repetitive posts on this subreddit.


theveryrealreal t1_j6kq9x7 wrote

I want to know about every single dog that gets that squeaker out of that toy. All of them!


Ok-Bonus-5731 t1_j6ipxs0 wrote

I wonder if anyone has honked, ever?


i_am_covered t1_j6isd1l wrote

If you’d wouldn’t rather watch the Mummy than sit in rush hour traffic, I’m impressed.


Arsid t1_j6jbiv8 wrote

A friend of mine has this sticker and she's gotten dozens of people to honk at her.

She lives in LA, so the amount of time she spends sitting in traffic is probably very high, so her potential honker list is higher than most.


fakebaggers t1_j6jtd09 wrote

To the car owners credit, this was a great movie!


gimp1615 t1_j6ku7y3 wrote

I want this for my car 😍


Lord-LemonHead t1_j6js6na wrote

I saw a car with this exact sticker today


Dahlia_R0se t1_j6kackf wrote

I was at a comic-con where Brendan Fraser was a guest, and I saw like 20 cars with this bumper sticker


ashb1303 t1_j6n2dde wrote

I’ve seen this on a car before lol, had me dying


Most_Needleworker261 t1_j6iwght wrote

Drivers would probably not be able to read the small lettering unless they get out walk up and read it haha


THETRILOBSTER t1_j6k8fdv wrote

It would be amazing if the community would band together and downvote the shit out of the karma whores that repost this shit weekly. I wanna see these fuckers get put in their place every now and then.
