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Trisket42 t1_j6fyun1 wrote

I feel there is much more backstory needed on this


MrDownhillRacer t1_j6gsgas wrote

At first I thought it was just the owner doing a "I don't like current president; haha, president I don't like owned" joke, but then I realized it was the other guy's face circled.

Now I'm wondering what the story is, too.


McLayan t1_j6h7c4m wrote

Maybe your original thought is right, just someone wanted to mess with the author and circled the other guy afterwards.


ButtBuster99 t1_j6iawhk wrote

It’s obviously a play on that joke. That’s why they circled the other face… that’s the joke


ladycrazyuer OP t1_j6fzu77 wrote

I don't think it would be in the best interest of my job if I ask that unit about it but I thought about it!


Bozigg t1_j6g06sw wrote

On the other hand, it could be in your best interest to know since he might be a dangerous individual, and that is something I would like to know so I can be more attentive and aware of them if I do see them.


224109a t1_j6g8np3 wrote

Exactly that.

"Hey if that man besides Biden shows up should I be worried about anything?"

No need to pry if they don't want to tell you what happened but it's certainly in OPs interest to find out if the dude is a psycho.


ladycrazyuer OP t1_j6h3ypr wrote

I agree. Especially considering how close it is to the Whitehouse.


freebirth t1_j6gghrg wrote

its far mroe likely to be some VIP


GusTheKnife t1_j6gauy2 wrote

“Tony, tell this cabron how many people you killed in Vietnam.” “Not enough Sir.”


ladycrazyuer OP t1_j6nj57n wrote

Considering I'm their security guard 2 days a week and it's day 2 ---yeah backstory would be appreciated on my part too.

I've spoken to 3 people from the concierge and none of them know what's going on, but we all assumed if it was a huge thing, they would have logged it, warned us, told us more etct.

But hey, $14 an hour is such great money with rent averaging at 2k it really makes since that they would micromanage me/track my location constantly to make sure that they're really getting their money's worth.

I put it in the log, and I asked my supervisor about it - no response

But at least did a foot patrol every hour and logged every miniscule detail to "make the client happy". Well I've met a few board members and they not only appreciate my doing my job- they actually like me.


thisisgivingup t1_j6glufh wrote

this is a picture of a picture of a picture

wtf is going on


KarthusWins t1_j6gkcbr wrote

Probably a restraining order. Did the tenant provide this picture to you?


Kennysilvan t1_j6gdsnw wrote

Fuck you for posting this an hour ago with no context


mainthrowawaydmtits t1_j6ilvh4 wrote

1010 in binary translates to 10 in decimal. 10 in binary translates to 2 in decimal. Assuming the picture was taken back when Joe Biden was VP, the vice president is number 2 in line. Coincidence? Most likely


IComplimentYourPet t1_j6h7obp wrote

What is unit 1010?


ToMorrowsEnd t1_j6hmacu wrote

Secret Crimes unit. When nobody else can enforce the law you call unit 1010


Cmama2Boyz t1_j6hosz6 wrote

The Men in Black will need you to look closely at their fancy pen if you keep asking questions


iaintlyon t1_j6gas8x wrote

And your work is?


TheHumanPickleRick t1_j6hlnab wrote

Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.


GeraldBWilsonJr t1_j6jzief wrote

This shtick has always killed me because I'm in HVACR and it holds true for so many guys, they definitely got it from reality


Curious_Shape_2690 t1_j6ibwpj wrote

Who is the guy who is circled? Why isn’t he allowed in?


vvavering_ t1_j6hwlx8 wrote

Thought it was going to be like the Burn Book—“She is the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met. Do not trust her, she is a fugly slut.”


summerrrwine t1_j6hv23m wrote

Why would you post this if you can't explain the note on it?! Giving us nothing here.


WideHuckleberry6843 t1_j6hvubd wrote

Biden sucks that’s why…


summerrrwine t1_j6hwxk8 wrote

Lol go back to r/cholesterol


WideHuckleberry6843 t1_j6hxsyw wrote



summerrrwine t1_j6hyjn5 wrote

Side note - I just thought that was a funny sub for someone to be active in, not trying to make a judgment on your weight.


WideHuckleberry6843 t1_j6i4ht8 wrote

No worries. I’m actually really skinny with high cholesterol. High cholesterol runs in my family.


NekonecroZheng t1_j6gsme9 wrote

I'm confused. Did they circle the wrong man?


Sixhaunt t1_j6gq0ay wrote

Who's the knock-off Dave Lister that they are warning about?


kaydas93 t1_j6lkxsw wrote

They circled the wrong head


Takeonlyone t1_j6hpt0h wrote

So political discrimination??? It does exist..😬


shitfuckstack999 t1_j6hepqb wrote

Not letting either of them in is preferable


762jeremy t1_j6hsaz8 wrote

If it’s a school, that sounds like a good plan.


skumps814 t1_j6gy1b6 wrote

Do you work at an elementary school and did they mean to circle Biden instead


upvote_face t1_j6g7nhj wrote

Isn't that the guy who attacked Pelosi's husband?


trubb13tw1ns t1_j6gqe4r wrote

No that was a great big fat person


BaconIsAVeg2 t1_j6izj2l wrote

I mean yeah we assumed he was American, but which one specifically? There's so many.
