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dow366 t1_jabahgp wrote

Art vs Artist

You can stop the Artist from making new art. But we consumed that art, we enjoyed it. its part of us. You can't just take that out.

If you look deep enough everyone has done sketchy shit.


HoosierDev t1_jabe6d8 wrote

I think the whole “if you look deep enough everyone has done sketchy shit” is a way of normalizing terrible people.”

It’s more like, If something truly awful comes out then they likely are 100 times worse.


dow366 t1_jabf7jd wrote

No, what i was trying to say is i still appreciate good art.

For eg: My childhood was Harry Potter. Now we all know what the writer is doing and saying. This doesn't retroactively make Harry Potter bad or my enjoyment of it growing up.


girafa t1_jabem3a wrote

> If something truly awful comes out then they likely are 100 times worse.

Is that how you want people judging you?


HoosierDev t1_jabfg6u wrote

Absolutely. If I commit a serious crime like rape or murder I want you to assume that it’s just the one I got caught with. You don’t just one day decide you’re going to rape someone. You build up to that. Guys like Cosby and Spacey were doing things to people for years and years before 1 person stood up. I’m sure some of there worst actions are still hidden.

I don’t get why people think they are guaranteed some sort of due process when it comes to public opinion.


koalajunction t1_jac0d8p wrote

I agree with you. I was thinking about the Will Smith slap. Not serious crime maybe but someone all of a sudden in front of millions slapping someone else? It is very likely he has shown similar behavior before. In the cases of Cosby and Spacey I Don’t think there is necessarily worse but there is definitely a lot more dark stuff.


girafa t1_jabgvsd wrote

> If I commit a serious crime like rape or murder

That clearly isn't what dow was referring to when he said "sketchy shit."

You, nor anyone, wishes that all their friends and family think they're 100x worse than whatever their ugliest offense was.
