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Suck_me_admins_ t1_j98xgwc wrote

For deeper meaning ‘one flew over cuckoo’s nest’ was recently added to Netflix. There’s a lot there to unpack from nurse ‘Ratched’ psychopathic personality and ability to subtly instigate and demean the patients, the viewers tendency to idolise and see them selves in mcmurphy and his attempts to save the minds of fellow patients and in his plight sacrifice himself and die for his friends in a Christ like manner, the patients who suffer from intimacy and trust with women, the doctors who over look the suffering of patients and rely on brutal technics like electro therapy that endure more suffering and lobotomies that mutilate patients. There’s alot to unpack, there’s a book to read, and there’s many you tube video essays that will help you understand the movie and it themes.