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Turok1134 t1_j9if75j wrote

No, if you look at the user reviews from sites like IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, people liked it okay enough.


eddymarkwards t1_j9igvpm wrote

Ok, I get that as a metric. One proof point.

But I am going to go with economics. The fact is they spent $200k to make this movie and brought in $158k. And that does NOT count marketing spend.

Losing THAT much money, on ANYTHING, is a loss. A failure. Something that should end career(s).


Turok1134 t1_j9ihohf wrote

If you use that same logic and apply it to say, Blade Runner 2049, then that movie should have ended Denis Villeneuve's career.

Or Scott Pilgrim for Edgar Wright's.


eddymarkwards t1_j9ijtvv wrote

Bad directors SHOULD fail. Because they are bad.

Good directors can put out shit but redeem themselves with other works. But Rollerball, Jupiter Ascending, Batman and Robin by Joel Schumacher, THOSE movies end a career.

Martin Scorsese gets away with 'Hugo' because he is fucking Martin Scorsese. Guy Ritchie gets King Arthur. Does Don Hall get another shot after the financial abomination that is 'Strange World'?

Weird and difficult place to be sure.