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paulsammons3 t1_ja5iacc wrote

In this context I would say they mean gender to mean the “restrictions” society puts on those born male or female to do certain things or be a certain way. Men should be source of primary income, play football, get dirty, monster trucks, be in charge, etc. Women take care of children, wear dresses & make up, play with dolls, like to shop, cook, clean, etc.


A88_I99 t1_ja5le4q wrote

I sort of get what you're saying. You're basically just describing stereotypes and roles associated with being masculine or feminine.

The part that confuses me is that you don't have to be interested in playing football and getting dirty or being the primary source of income, etc. to be a man, and you don't have to wear make-up and dresses and enjoy shopping to be a woman. For example, if a guy doesn't like sports but likes clothes and shopping, does this mean that they are non-binary according to your definition of gender? It doesn't really make sense to me.


paulsammons3 t1_ja5mwvr wrote

I think the argument would then become, what’s the point of identifying a gender besides anything more than has a penis and has a vagina. It’s a construct because the identification is kind of pointless for non-science and sometimes sex related reasons. Which is why there’s more of a push to remove he/she and just make it they. I think.


A88_I99 t1_ja5okl3 wrote

Ya, that's what I'm confused about, I just don't really understand the point of the concept and why it's considered a whole separate category from sex.


paulsammons3 t1_ja5os3f wrote

What concept do you mean? Sorry.


A88_I99 t1_ja5pe2q wrote

The concept of gender in general, more specifically, the idea of being non-binary or gender being a spectrum.


paulsammons3 t1_ja5puzg wrote

Yeah I agree. It’s an unfortunate middle ground of a country split between only wanting “normal” gender terms and wanting them gone entirely.