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WiryCatchphrase t1_j9sxczt wrote

Reply to comment by Guyver0 in I hated the film 'Nope' by jonah_wilkie

Some people really just don't understand movies. Maybe they were too drunk or high when watching it or got distracted, maybe they're just stupid.


rockincharlierocket t1_j9tzon7 wrote

or just use cell phones the entire time then get upset when they dont understand it. 5/6 questions were answered in the film. really the only one was "where did it come from" we assume space but thats it. everything else was answered


Mech-Noir t1_j9udmj1 wrote

Some people are just seriously stupid. People like OP are why we have a lot of "made by committee" films. He's the lowest bar you have to make movies for and we're all dumber for it.


Confident_Object_844 t1_j9um17r wrote

I wonder if people who praise this film know much about film at all. It fails on many level especially as a horror movie. Peele is highly highly overrated, I did like “us”, even that wasn’t a masterpiece. Even the over hanging theme in “nope”, which is such a shitty title to being with😆, is extremely boring and simple. Peele try so hard at making an intelligent horror that it almost become laughable. some good horror films with great themes and execution, try something like “eyes without a face(1960),possession (1981) or almost any Lynch film. To say someone doesn’t understands movies cause they don’t follow all positivity around “nope” is really a stupid statement in itself.


Terrible-Painter4332 t1_j9xvfgg wrote

This snobbish attitude is really embarrassing btw. Trying to brag about the films you watch while at the same time providing surface level criticism isn't a good look. How is "the title is stupid" criticism in any way and how is saying "you don't know much about film" trying to help your point? Instead, explain why it's boring, what parts you think is simple, how does the film fail cinematically since you know so much about film. Even a passing comment is more criticism than anything you've said.