Submitted by 5000mg t3_11c75me in movies

Does anyone else get extremely annoyed at the fact that it seems like in every horror they use the SAME children laugh track? For YEARSSS. What is the reason for this? It really bothers me because it takes me out of the movie, making me remember how many times I’ve heard it before in other movies. I’m sure most of you know what laugh I’m talking about.

Anyone else?



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matrixinthepark t1_ja20oj9 wrote

There’s a certain children’s laugh I hear in almost every movie that involves a bunch of kids playing lol


Zwaft t1_ja2y9o1 wrote

Yes!!! Please get me a link if someone can find it! Pretty sure I’ve heard the same laugh in Roller Coaster Tycoon


Zwaft t1_ja2yite wrote

Yes!!! Please get me a link if someone can find it! Pretty sure I’ve heard the same laugh in Roller Coaster Tycoon

Edit: Diddy laugh! (Yes he did)


impengwings t1_ja2kvaj wrote

It stroke me when I heard it in the Sherlock BBC show, impressive how a sound sample can travel like that.


Caiur t1_ja2lb40 wrote

Very common stock sound effect

I'd like to know if the people who decide to put it into movies / games / advertisements are doing it in a self-aware or in-joke kind of way, or if they're oblivious to the fact that people have been hearing it and noticing it for over 20 years, and they're just being lazy by choosing the first stock sound effect they find


laaldiggaj t1_ja2p6no wrote

I'm just bored of the creepy kid trope. ALL the kids act the same, as you mentioned the laugh, the 'just standing there' and the 'evil face' some cherub kid is trying to pull. And the trope that they're amazing crayon artists that can inform the parents of the demon. I'd love to see a spoof where Timmy is drawing against creepy music, shows mummy the picture and she's like; "I have no idea what this is."


Ok-Fig6407 t1_ja49n0k wrote

There was one laugh track that was used in a bunch of 70s/80s sitcoms. There was one guy that made this “Ow” sound that you’d hear in Taxi and some other shows. We thought it was hilarious.


WhereIsThatElephant t1_ja5zgrr wrote

no children's laugh in The Human Centipede Part 1, just muffled crying and whimpering