Submitted by ferny78 t3_11cu4r2 in movies

So I don't have that much information as I've seen this movie when I was young and it was quite a long time ago. I don't remember much except the ending was on a large road oe bridge with the 2 protagonists there, one gets shot(we think he dies but doesnt) and also one of them gets with the mafia bosses girlfriend or wife in the end. If anyone could provide a name with this little information it would be much appreciated.



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Styvan01 t1_ja51wll wrote

Well part of that sounds like Man on Fire but I know it isnt.


okay_ya_dingus t1_ja6yq13 wrote

I think there might be a bridge scene like that in Layercake with Daniel Craig


inappropriatelyitchy t1_ja60blw wrote

According to ChatGPT, it might be one of these three - The Departed (2006), Reservoir Dogs (1992), A History of Violence (2005). Sadly, I don't remember the endings to any of these movies myself so I can't verify! But perhaps one of these will ring a bell.