Submitted by OrdinaryAd5522 t3_11coij9 in movies

I saw the movie Nope last year with a friend who loves scary movies. I am NOT a fan of scary movies but thought this was going to be more of a comedy or parody of a scary movie. After seeing this movie, i have an extreme fear of clouds and find myself analyzing the sky constantly thinking I’m going to be eaten by the clouds (much like in the movie).

Anyone else have this problem 😂



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42vines t1_ja46exp wrote

not really but random chimpanzee attacks now that scary


kronicfeld t1_ja4dien wrote

No but a new profound respect for wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men


rocketneo t1_ja45xf8 wrote

No. But vaginas and ovaries kinda scare me now.


OrdinaryAd5522 OP t1_ja4qm2f wrote

Because of when it showed the cloud eating everyone right?! I get it 😂


thefinalball t1_ja4867z wrote

That movie was overall not too scary for me but man it has a few unsettling scenes. Love how it was basically jaws in the sky


HEHEHO2022 t1_ja4zh0p wrote

i have a fear of terrible jordan peele films


CabeNetCorp t1_ja4dpsn wrote

Only if they don't move all day, right?


FloridaFlamingoGirl t1_ja4jvcm wrote

Every time I saw the monster, I thought of the song "Hovering Sombrero" by They Might Be Giants.


GrayRoberts t1_ja55een wrote

No, but I now have a fear of angels.


FukinCMAC t1_ja575gq wrote

Nope = Terrible movie.


ETH_Knight t1_ja77bcp wrote

not cloud but drones. Have you seen the war in ukraine? There s a video of a drone destroying a drone destroying weapon. Bro, like there are drones flying and you may not even notice. Did you see the last terrorist dude they killed? He was Ayman al-Zawahiri. They smashed him with a drone knife. Like clouds? Cool story. Movie shit. Drones? Im somewhat paranoid. I look at the sky like im high on drugs.


Videowulff t1_ja7b6pw wrote

There was a story on tape I listened to as a wee kid. About 8 years old. About a little girl who loved looking at the clouds.

Then, one day, she looked up and noticed a face in the clouds. She thought it was just the shape but noticed that the longer she looked at it, the more real of a shape it seemed to get.

When she was going to school, she glanced up out of nervousness and noticed that the cloud was bad and now it was watching her. It had nestled between two other clouds, and she could see the stormy gray eyes watching her every movement, and worse of all, it had a very defined face now...

As the week went on, the sky grew darker and cloudier until one day she was at school and saw the face, no longer hiding partially, staring hungrily at her. She paniced and screamed and screamed. Her teachers could not calm her down, so her parents were called to pick her up.

As they drove home, a thick fog rolled through the town. She kept begging for her parents to stop driving and get inside, anywhere, but they thought she was being hysterical...

Then, out of the fog came the face. Its cloudy teeth parting as the car drove closer. She screamed as the sound of crunching metal and breaking glass defeaning her...

She woke up two days later in the hospital. She had been pulled out of the wreakage of their car, which was found wrapped around a tree. Doctors blamed the fog but were puzzled... puzzled by the fact her parents were nowhere to be found...

But she knew the truth...

The episode on this cassette ends with her looking outside to see a single cloud in the blue sky...and she could see that face, ill defined...staring at her... and licking its lips...

That made me terrified of clouds.

The short story Cloud Cover from the book The Walking Trees and Other Scary Stories by Roberta Simpson. It is on audio for digital download now.


Alienboy13 t1_ja43ja9 wrote

Everytime I look up at big clouds, I imagine Jean Jacket hiding in them


WhereIsThatElephant t1_ja5qxwa wrote

First, they hang over your house, and then - follow you while you are driving.


GemmyPariah t1_ja43l9b wrote

Yeah, I think a bit differently now.


Ceasarsean t1_ja44kq6 wrote

Haha I do. When I saw this opening weekend, I was afraid to leave the theater.


Positive-Source8205 t1_ja4f8x9 wrote

I saw Nope (2022) and now have a rational fear of bad movies.


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_ja4mtqk wrote

Nope is not bad


Dottsterisk t1_ja5v2np wrote

I wouldn’t say it’s bad, but I also wouldn’t go to bat for it and say it’s good.

It has some neat ideas and moments but is a bit muddled IMO.


TopGunWonTon t1_ja5o8r5 wrote

I now have an irrational fear of watching shitty movies like nope


nickmandl t1_ja5ggfa wrote

I saw nope with 2 people. One of them was asleep within 10 minutes and stayed that way until the movie was over. The other one was apparently the most movie illiterate person I’ve ever met, and ranted and complained about how the film made NO sense and was totally stupid. That really brought down my experience.
