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another_busted_robot t1_ja2ue6e wrote

Curtis was going to cheat on Arnold with a guy who was pretending to be a spy. Arnold just swapped places with the fake guy and followed along her fantasy. How did you miss the crux of that entire plot-line..?


Eternal-Testament t1_ja2rwz0 wrote

Evidently I'm a different generation that use to be able to just enjoy a good movie without worrying about who is represented and how, what social boxes get checked and how and what may be offensive to people lifetimes from now.

I truly cannot fathom what it must be like to live a life being perpetually offended at everything.


doc_55lk t1_ja2uqpg wrote

Neither can I. Seems like a really weird life to live.

I remember when people had a good laugh over offensive jokes directed toward them, as opposed to starting Internet movements to "cancel" the person making the joke.


verascity t1_ja2wtuh wrote

I mean, I used to laugh at those jokes because I didn't want to be a "buzzkill" or develop a reputation for being "humorless," even though I do and did joke about plenty of other things. I just swallowed my feelings every time someone laughed at my expense. It didn't feel good.


doc_55lk t1_ja2yddl wrote

There's obviously still a line to be drawn, but as of late, that line seems to be drawn so close that it's impossible to make any sort of joke without catastrophically offending someone.

This post is a decent example of that. 30 years ago the idea of a government agent misusing his government agent skills and funding to fuck around with his unfaithful wife, to the backdrop of an action flick, was funny as fuck. Now though, some random dude is deciding to post about it, saying that it offends them and that the premise is the sole reason that a 4K re release would bomb.


verascity t1_ja31y5z wrote

As I said in another comment, the OP doesn't really read as offended to me, much less "catastrophically" so. Just observing that this is a product that would really not do well out of its time. Personally, I never saw the movie, and the plot as described does sound kind of gross to me, but I'm willing to accept it's different in context. Still, I think OP is probably right that it wouldn't fly today.


another_busted_robot t1_ja3d9zx wrote

OP's description of the plot and actions are super disingenuous though. Arnold isn't using his spy background to "stalk and Weinstein" Curtis, he actually stops that from happening. Curtis' character was cheating on her husband with a guy pretending to be a spy because she was bored with her life. The stripping scene culminates with Arnold (pretending to be a villain) asking her why she's doing what she's doing, at which point she confesses that she's bored with her life and her husband doesn't pay any attention to her. There's no forcing, no manipulation from Arnold's character. Even the stripping scene is super awkward and comical, being that her character is supposed to be a suburban housewife masquerading as a spy trying to seduce and wiretap a villain. She even kicks Arnold's ass a bit when she changes her mind and before she finds out it's him. Basically OP's read and description of it is completely wrong. And Tom Arnold's character does call Arnold's character out for using his spy background to set this whole ruse up instead of just talking to her.


nebbyb t1_ja33e5n wrote

Now imagine someone from a different background and how your position could seem crazy to them. Just try.


verascity t1_ja2x6ld wrote

I don't think the OP sounds "offended." They're saying that the movie aged poorly and is negatively impacted by changes in our cultural values. It was less fun for them because they think about things in a different way now, but I wouldn't say they sound hurt.

You've really never rewatched something and thought, "Oof, that aged badly"?


ikurumba t1_ja33s3m wrote

But it's supposed to be funny. Like the audience is in on the joke because we are watching it as a movie. It's not a true crime drama about something that happened in real life even though those are more accepted nowadays. It's an imagination land where anything is possible, but you and op get offended when people have imaginations that you don't like.


verascity t1_ja358cm wrote

I'm not offended, either. You seem to be very sure that criticism = offense, but I'm not sure why.

And comedy can be outdated and cringeworthy just as much as drama, if not even moreso. Look at Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Or, as someone else pointed out, the rape scene in 16 Candles (and the other rape scene in Revenge of the Nerds, come to think of it). You think that shit flies now?


nebbyb t1_ja33jqv wrote

Sixteen Candles, rape is hilarious!


cheffartsonurfood t1_ja2xkxl wrote

Tom Arnold DID challenge him on using his power, but Arnie quickly called him on his own inappropriate behavior and Tom jumped back on board. Did you even watch the movie or is this just copypasta from some other lame ass review?


doc_55lk t1_ja2uw80 wrote

I don't think people are gonna give as big a shit about a ~30 year old action movie as you think they are.


SuitednZooted t1_ja2r30x wrote

It really tells a tale of a 90’s movies though. Cheese ball action for sure!


Snoo-68474 t1_ja2uyew wrote

Watched it recently and it aged fine. You are nitpicking it and looking for reasons to whine.


All_Your_Base t1_ja2rrav wrote

Congratulations on going out of your way to find, amplify, and emphasize all the bad in a 29 year old movie that was a massive hit at the time, both in comedy and action, as well as parody.


RDCK78 t1_ja2tbre wrote

Yeah, I don’t think a 4K release is being held up because anyone is concerned that the film is going to be reevaluated by random people online haha… Take any film from 30+ years ago and put it in todays cultural context, you will find some problems… No shit. This is a movie that doesn’t merit serious consideration, it’s a generic action flick.


Brother_-_John t1_ja2waun wrote

You don't think a bunch of whining, tantrum-throwing randos will have purple-faced fits over it? We all know there's no reason to, but when does that stop anyone?


statsman0812 t1_ja2vrm8 wrote

textbook sanctimonious virtue signaling right here.


Snuggle__Monster t1_ja2xi3p wrote

OP is going for outrage for likes/upvotes. They must have got lost on their way to Twitter.


QuoteGiver t1_ja31szk wrote

Those are all things that were blindingly obvious about the movie back then too, none of that is about it “aging poorly.”

All the sneaking around on each other was supposed to feel icky and inappropriate, which is why by the end they are living openly and authentically with each other.

I am glad that over the years your perspective has made you more aware of that parts that were icky that you missed the first time, though!


genuxo t1_ja2y34e wrote

It's been a long time since watching it because I used to do it all the time, but I'm pretty confident it's still one of the best action comedies and much better than most of what we have gotten since.


ego_tripped t1_ja2rfcd wrote

Can you say that again and do it...doucement?


SaltySteveD87 t1_ja2yz7u wrote

So it’s aged because of how it treats his cheating wife but not because of its depiction of Muslim terrorists? Shows where your priorities are.


nebbyb t1_ja33mpx wrote

If I name one more does that make you the one with messed up priorities?


Truefreak22 t1_ja2zv78 wrote

I believe Tom Arnold's character was telling Schwarzenegger from the beginning that he shouldn't be using government resources to investigate his wife's affair, but Schwarzenegger had dirt on his partner so he just went along with it.

I don't know if you remember the 90's very well cause a lot of action comedies were like this. It's goofy & it's supposed to be goofy. Also, there weren't a lot of females in Hollywood that had power, so obviously the female part wasn't written well majority of the time. The entire reason we have this feminist Renaissance in filmmaking now.


Buffalax81 t1_ja3067k wrote

I have a theory that the entire plot of True Lies was written by two guys in a bar who kept trying to one up each other. “What if Arnold rode a horse through a hotel?” “What if Arnold rode a horse OFF of a hotel?” “Brilliant! Have another shot!”


ApprehensiveDoor1756 t1_ja2vk28 wrote

I'm just here to let this person know that they didnt have a cover sheet on their TPS reports


AndruchaCS t1_ja2zjot wrote

Still more funny than Titanic and Avatar


Reasonable_Highway35 t1_ja302ig wrote

This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever read. He leaves her on the side of the road…next to her car.


TheInsider35 t1_ja32t4m wrote

I don't know about aged poorly but i did think it was Cringe plotline and not what I expected from the premise the First time I watched the movie. Many different ways to go with spy husband pretending to be normal family man.


bosspaysmetoredit247 t1_ja335de wrote

Man people these days will really go to lengths to be offended by something. Why should Arnold be challenged? He didn’t write the fucking movie, and if even if he did… it’s just a fucking movie


TrueLegateDamar t1_ja2wh3j wrote

Movie has some stuff that aged badly like the line; "Women, can't live with them, can't kill them either." but overall it's fine.


K9sBiggestFan t1_ja2zzn3 wrote

I love True Lies, I have done since it was released, and I probably always will. This is for the simple reason that it cracks me up and the action is great.

I am however surprised by how many people are piling in on the OP though. It’s obviously problematic by today’s standards, and it arguably was by the standards of the time. In particular, Harry terrifies and risks significantly humiliating his wife who is at no point fully consenting to what’s happening to her - it’s surprising how many people apparently can’t see that (plus it’s slightly depressing that I expect to be downvoted for saying this).

If you’re cool with watching it in spite of that then that’s fine, but don’t justify your enjoyment by pissing at people who may have legitimate issues with it.


andhicks t1_ja39vve wrote

Still a classic. You're wrong.


Reasonable-HB678 t1_ja2z6ye wrote

I remember writing a paper on Cameron's movies at college in 1996-97. The treatment of Jamie Lee Curtis's character was one thing I didn't hesitate to mention as being an outlier among the female characters in movies written by Cameron..


scrjim t1_ja31vd8 wrote

Chill out. Don't be putting your morality lens over light hearted movies.


pulpatine t1_ja33umo wrote

No, it still is kickass. Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.


unbannabledan t1_ja33wa5 wrote

The movie is awesomely entertaining and doesn’t pretend that it’s not ridiculous. Bad take, OP.


Brother_-_John t1_ja2rwi0 wrote

James Cameron is obviously a shithead, so let's leave that aside.

I think the film aged just fine. Our society, on the other hand, is deeply, deeply sick.

When you describe Harry Tasker using his government funded "God" (let's not go there) power to stalk, kidnap, interrogate, and blackmail his wife, you are completely missing the point.

You had remembered it correctly, and I think you know you did.

His wife, to whom he had lied for years and years, was evidently considering an affair which, because of the similarities with his own job, made for a good reason to give her a real taste of the excitement she had not only been seeking but did not know was her husband's life behind her back. There's even plenty of grrl power throughout the film.

Beginning with Die Hard, roughly, this is what action movies were all about: smart ass characters in terrible situations, ingenious solutions, double crossings, somewhat dark senses of humor, and lots of explosions.

That's all this film was. It was great fun in the summer of '94, and that's how it should be seen now. It is to our detriment that our self righteous yet totally ignorant society not only refuses to acknowledge realities about relationships between men and women but tells us we should not enjoy films like this because we decide to forcefully shove politics into EVERYTHING.


Commercial_Scratch_1 t1_ja2xwox wrote

There are people outthere trying to find logic in comedy. Flash news, plot holes found in Coming to America, the country of Zamunda does not exist! And even if did, there is no way it would be ruled by a king! 0/10


iz-Moff t1_ja2y5hb wrote

>The online discourse / mass rewatch would definitely change a lot of people’s memories of it.

Only those who are easily peer pressured by feminists.
