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_TheWinemaker_ t1_ja9tlue wrote

I’m never one to think something is too sacred or impossible to succeed.

Why? I dismissed Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring prior to release. Ended up loving it. So I’ve always been open to the idea of remakes or adaptations or sequels/prequels, etc. because you never know if they can be good.

Rocky is a classic in my opinion. Would have never guessed I’d think a sequel that focused on a child of Apollo Creed would also make a good movie but it did.

More Lord of the Rings movies can turn out good. Will they be as good as Jackson’s trilogy? Doubtful. But they can still be good movies.


avidrunner84 t1_ja9ug2m wrote

Apparently Stalone is not a fan of the Creed series, but it's only to do with the producer, Irwin Winkler. It's good to see Peter Jackson may still be involved with the new movie(s). I don't think he was involved at all with the Amazon series, which I haven't watched.


_TheWinemaker_ t1_ja9v26y wrote

Rings of Power is a little inconsistent but I still found it good. I should stress the word good, as I didn’t find it great or a masterpiece or anything like that.

It has its shortcomings but at times it can shine. What I like most about it is the different races and their dynamics. Elves and Dwarves in particular are explored fairly well.

I would recommend giving the first episode a try. If you don’t like the first episode or see any potential in it, quit there.