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dubtle t1_j9kgig7 wrote

Blair Witch Project

More recently, Smile did some clever viral stuff.


stunkdunkly t1_j9k7jaw wrote

Barbarian for sure. I’m glad to be lied to periodically.


NbdyFuckswTheJesus t1_j9kb8ba wrote

In that same vein, Hereditary blew me away because I went in expecting a classic creepy kid movie based on the trailer


Kiethblacklion t1_j9kefza wrote

Not sure if anyone will agree but the marketing for Deadpool. I didn't know much about the original character, didn't really care about seeing it. But the way the movie was marketed changed my mind and helped me to enjoy the movies more. I'm especially looking forward to Deadpool 3 thanks to all the fun that Reynolds and Jackman have with one another on social media.


proanimus t1_j9kya0u wrote

I liked the ads that made it look like a romcom. It did release right before Valentine’s Day, after all.


wheresallthenatives t1_j9ki367 wrote

The first Scream movie. Everybody gets all this marketing with Drew Barrymore just for her to get killed in the first 10 minutes. It was so unexpected. Really helped sell the movie and solidify the first films place in horror history.

This allowed us to feel like if her character could die anybody could, which is an important atmosphere to create in a slasher film.


DifficultMinute t1_j9l9h3s wrote

I don't know about helping the watch experience, but the marketing for The Spy Who Shagged Me was amazing.

It was opening just shortly after what is arguably the most anticipated movie of all time, The Phantom Menace.

So they ran ads all spring where actual camera shot was moving up a Death Star set towards the Emperor's chair, but it was Dr. Evil in the chair. The voice over said, "If you see one movie this summer... see Star Wars, but if you see two, see, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me!"

The movie made a fortune, for a comedy, especially "competing" with Star Wars, so it apparently worked.


mrmechsale t1_j9kbjv7 wrote

Any movie where the marketing misleads (without just doing a full bait and switch betrayal of genre)

Stuff like marketing a movie where the star dies in the first 10 minutes
>!Psycho and Scream!<


PurpsMcNuggets t1_j9kgmzr wrote


They traveled around Mexico in a bus, brought a screen and speakers and showed the movie to communities that otherwise would not have been able to go and see, much less afford a movie.


stressmacher t1_j9kapbu wrote

Alien Covenant. The movie is worse without the prologue they released on YouTube.

Edit: Holy shit I just found out there was another shorter prologue called The Crossing that shows Shaw and David between Prometheus and Covenant. WTF?


monodopple t1_j9kfqne wrote

The stuff for prometheus was pretty cool too.


AlanMorlock t1_j9mghjf wrote

I love all the stuff surrounding Prometheusnfwr more than Prometheus itself. They even had full page weykand ads in the New York Times, which I got for free on my college campus at the time.


monodopple t1_j9mp366 wrote

Yeah. It was all cool and had me hyped. The movie visually is awesome. While still entertaining to me, it was a letdown for sure.


Shin00bie t1_j9k8xmb wrote

Hereditary was a good marketing campaign, rare occasion the trailers and posters didn't spoiler the movie


shf500 t1_j9kkn8m wrote

Sometimes marketing does a better job of explaining plot points than the actual movie.


lucia-pacciola t1_j9lkta4 wrote

I dunno what the actual marketing for John Wick was, but all I knew going in was that it was supposed to be some kind of movie by stuntmen, for stuntmen. Just a stripped-down, back to basics, totally practical slugfest with the tiniest thread of plot.

I was there for it, and was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be all that, and more.


w00t4me t1_j9mdutx wrote

What is the Matrix?


AlanMorlock t1_j9mg7gu wrote

The viral campaign ahead of the Daek Lnight made Gotham feel like a real world that youncould glimpse into and was great fun collaborating with people online to solve the puzzles. One running storyline involved a forum for the fake wannabe batmen thst show up at the start ofnthe film. One of them had a screen name like Bdog39. After.completingnone ofnthr online puzzles, I received a package containing a bunch of "citizens for gotham" bumper stickers and key chains. It included a short letter signed by "Brian Douglas", Bdog.

Watching the film at midnight, it comes to the portion in which thr Joker releases a tape of him with the captured wannabe Batman thst he murdered. The Joker demands he state his name. "Brian Douglas"

It was such a bizarre experience, having a completely different depth forn this character onscreen and it made it absolutely terrifying. It's an experience.thsr really can't be replicated again.


Ccaves0127 t1_j9n3qkg wrote

Spring Breakers intentionally mismarketed the movie and I'm so glad it did tbh. Introduced me to Harmony Korine, one of my favorite filmmakers