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FoxOntheRun99 t1_jae0qrl wrote

Demolition Man 2: The Secret of the 3 sea shells.


theyusedthelamppost t1_jaect1p wrote

Make it a personal drama about a futuristic "plumber" whose job it is to install and maintain the 3seashells bathroom systems.

He's lured into a web of betrayal and deception as he uncovers the unethical origins of the company who harvested these shells and developed the technology. His loved ones aren't the people he'd always thought. They'd been planted here to make sure he didn't learn too much. Kinda like Truman Show how the people in his life were they to keep him on track.

As he goes through this arc, the movie continues to tell the audience absolutely nothing about the shells or the technology itself. It's just kept off-screen or obscured by some loud noises that pop up to cover the dialogue whenever the characters are talking about it.