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hideandsink OP t1_ja9yg8f wrote

Reply to comment by misterfriend in Must-watch movies? by hideandsink

Goodfellas and Casino are already on my list, and I’ll add the others! Thank you, again.

I totally agree. I feel as though I know what to look for now in a good movie. I often find that I don’t remember whether I’ve seen movies or not because I lose so much of the plot due to not being able to pay attention all the way through. So when I remember a movie I know it’s good lol. I’m just trying to find good movies and appreciate them. I’ve found value in good storytelling and also the art of cinema so I’m quite keen to get into some good ones!

I do find that a lot of movies are just made for one to be made. I think I get somewhat frustrated because those seem to saturate the movie market for me. I get a little impatient because I feel like I’ve wasted my time if I’ve invested it in a movie that’s just not good.


misterfriend t1_jaa0xzt wrote

I don't like modern movies because they at some point switched both the format and the formula. They're hard for me to sit through, much less enjoy, and I admit that if it's made after 2012, they largely become background noise while I do housecleaning. They totally fail to pull me in, and if that goes beyond ten minutes, I'm pulling my hair out.

They just don't engage me as a person because they rely on me to automatically assume to know the characters without any exposition. A little heads-up to understand what they're all about really helps me to have any concern for them in the film's events. Instead, there is this idea that I am going to follow these vague people for an hour before some important revelation is given very late in the story. Not going to happen, sorry. Maybe that makes them more "real" to the audience, but reality is what I am trying to get away from when I watch movies. I'll enjoy an hour of character development if that makes the stakes in the action more palpable.

And you're definitely onto something with "memorable = good." John Williams' music is the secret weapon for both Spielberg and Lucas, because his themes are so recognizable and play in your head for days after. Movies scored by Jerry Goldsmith have a similar quality, but most people would agree that Williams is king. Pick up as many of their soundtracks as you can. When I was younger, just listening to them with my eyes closed was like watching a different movie every time.


hideandsink OP t1_jaa7047 wrote

Yeah I definitely think that’s my issue with modern movies. I’m 25 so I feel like I kinda grew up with those throwaway movies. So I do wanna get into the classics.

I feel that’s probably why I tend to prefer tv series to movies. I get to know the characters and kind of bond with them. I’m hoping to relate more to stories in movies, too. Which is why I’m seeking out more relatable stuff.

A good soundtrack is EVERYTHING. I’m very into music so if a movie has a good soundtrack, I’m definitely more likely to engage with and remember it. I’ll have a look into their stuff. Thank you so much!!


misterfriend t1_jaa9nzb wrote

I'm 48, and I remember when going to the movies didn't promise anything other than a bit of fun, and that was what I was in for. Otherwise, what I gained from them was a sense of structure, ideas that opened up my own imagination and on the odd occasion, a bit of education. Even a screwball comedy like Porky's is dumb fun, even if it's offensive and sometimes lame.

TV and gaming has virtually replaced cinema as entertainment, though I'll argue that cinema is superior because one can take years to produce a really good movie. The quality shows through when done right.

I prefer episodic tidbits on TV, which is also done away with, but making a comeback in the better shows. The Last of Us seems to be getting this right. By "episodic," I mean that there might be one overarcing plot, but you can distinguish one episode from the other because of events that happen and the characters that get focus. Very dialogue-heavy, and the motivations would be made clear through this method. You used to know Star Trek episodes by their name.

I mean, I could go on forever on the topic, and give you my top 100, but it looks like others are pouring it on. If you ever are looking for a specific subgenre film, or have a favourite, come and talk to me. I can always steer you towards more material of similar substance.


hideandsink OP t1_jaac3mt wrote

I do understand that some movies are just for a bit of fun. But it still takes the other qualities to build it and make it good. So many now just lack on all fronts.

I feel as though it does just play to ADHD well for me. The shorter watch time is one of them. And I enjoy familiarity, but that’s something I’m actively trying to combat. (I get waaay too comfortable in my comfort shows).

Ah, yes. I’m with you. I think that’s why I enjoyed Black Mirror so much. I still need to watch The Last of Us.

I’d really appreciate that! Thank you so much, Mister Friend


misterfriend t1_jaafh97 wrote

Yeah, all I meant by that comment was that the fun seems to have been taken out of it from some time, like they've somehow forgotten to include that aspect in movie making. Even dramas can have some element of ridiculousness, as Goodfellas and Casino do. Cartoonish, but vivid characters and events are what I pay money for. "Story" feels more like "content" to me without it.


hideandsink OP t1_jaago3g wrote

Sometimes ridiculous is good! It makes it more relatable because life isn’t serious 100% of the time. I’m with you on that!