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JabroniWithAPeroni t1_j9piimk wrote

Uh... he's fantastic lol.

> Once upon a time in Hollywood - Timothy Oliphant and Brad Pitt

He was not outshined by Timothy fuckin' Olyphant lmao. Brad Pitt I can at least understand, even if I don't agree with it. While everyone loves Brad's character in OUATIH, he's not exactly doing any great acting lol. He's just a cool guy, and that works because people think Brad Pitt is cool.

Now Leo in OUATIH is doing all the heavy lifting, and is acting his fucking balls off in that movie. He should've been the one going home with an Oscar from that movie.


tallthomas13 t1_j9pu1pg wrote

I haven't heard 90% of the criticism in this thread ever in real life. It's very nitpicky callouts of his calling cards and quirks, which every actor ever has in one way or another.

I get that he's less popular at the moment but it was only a handful of years ago that he was in every sense considered the heir to DeNiro.