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Pope00 t1_jab0m6y wrote

There is no problem. You can enjoy goofy dumb movies as well as high quality “well made” cinema as well.

What does that even mean exactly? Not every meal needs to be filet mignon. Just because a movie isn’t high brow doesn’t mean it should be looked down upon. The purpose of film is to entertain. If it can do that and elevate you in some way or challenge your way of thinking or spark a deep discussion about the human condition, then great!

But suggesting someone enjoying cocaine bear is someone with no taste is, in itself, in poor taste.


HEHEHO2022 t1_jab4072 wrote

then why arent general audiences loving both. they are happy watching something dumb and shallow,which of course they have the right to, but they almost ignore really well crafted films that are also entertaining


Pope00 t1_jabart8 wrote

Dude what are you talking about? Who's they? Everything Everywhere All At Once made over $100 million at the box office. People didn't ignore that movie. Banshees at Inisherin made $45 million at the box office and that's absolutely not a big dumb action/gore fest. It's a film about two friends having a friend breakup.


While an action movie and not an indie drama, I'd say that Top Gun Maverick is still an amazing film. It's nominated for best picture and it should be. Great writing, directing, acting. The story is fantastic, the cinematography is incredible. It made 1.4 billion at the box office.


It's a no brainer that indie films typically get less attention because.. they're indie films. They don't have the same advertising money that big budget films get. They often get put into fewer theaters across the country.


But either way, you're putting people into a box. Anyone who goes to enjoy Cocaine Bear won't also watch "quality" films. That's just an ignorant mindset. Fuck, I saw Cocaine Bear and had fun at the theater. I also think Banshees of Inisherin is one of the finest films I've seen in the last .. I don't know how many years. It's possible to enjoy both.


HEHEHO2022 t1_jabuy94 wrote

wow 2 movies out of 1000s


Pope00 t1_jaclusp wrote

God film snobs that are not even real film snobs are the absolute worst. Do I need to list more films for you? I didn't because I didn't expect a smartass response. Ok, going off the current 2023 Oscar film lineup, The Fablemans made 30 million and Tar made 15 million. Which, to be fair surprised me. People are going to the movies to see good movies. Learn to be less judgmental.


Btw, can you even name a thousand films? Never mind thousands*.* And again, I listed three examples btw. Everything Everywhere All At Once, Banshees of Inisherin, and Top Gun Maverick. Unless you want to not count Top Gun because it's an action film. In which case you're an absolute pretentious try-hard. Which I think you are anyway.


I'm not some anomaly. There are other movie goers like myself. I try to go see every Marvel movie that comes out, no matter how bland and cookie cutter they may be. They're often fun and colorful with some fun action pieces. I also pay monthly for the Criterion streaming service. I regularly watch classic films and I also like to turn off my brain and watch dumb Adam Sandler comedies. I'm not so pretentious that I act like watching a dumb film somehow ruins my palate.


Given how harshly you're judging people who go to the movies and assuming every one of them is a brainless dullard just makes me think you must not have very many friends. I'd think maybe you'd be jealous of the folks going to the theater to see Cocaine Bear because they're going with other people.