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Knightoforder42 t1_j9x1fdz wrote

Let the Right One in, was done pretty much shot for shot remake, originally done in Sweden. The American remake was awkward and lacking, whereas the original was a masterpiece.

Remakes are pointless and often strip the original charm that made the film interesting in the first place.

There's also The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series. Those remakes lacked so much of the emotion the original films conveyed.

The Animes... let's not go there.

How many times are they going to re-do A Star is Born, or another Disney property?

How about this... What original story have you read that you'd like to see brought to the screen??!


howarthe OP t1_j9yocml wrote

I agree. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was very watchable in spite of its subtitles. I preferred the originals to the remakes, but those remakes did find an audience.