Submitted by Aralmin t3_11ddcml in movies

I have given this some thought and from the trailer so far, the film looks like your standard fare of scifi action films and I would expect there is nothing out of the ordinary with the plot of this film. So what if this film did have a plot twist? I imagine this film could just be about a man and a little girl trying to survive the harsh environment and dangers around them with nothing further to see.

Except, what if what we were presented was there to fool us? What if for example right halfway through the movie, the film takes a completely different turn than what was expected and the film turns into something that is almost like an entirely different genre. I am imagining for example as the duo is stumbling around the planet trying to survive, they stumble on to a civilization on the planet or perhaps some sort of dimensional gateway and the world they are inhabiting is not what it appears at all. At that point the film becomes almost like a mixture of Moonfall, Interstellar and Planet of the Apes. I don't think it's a coincidence that this film is similar to Planet of the Apes, in the original Planet of the Apes it seems that the ship that ends up in a post-apocalyptic Earth ruled by apes could be due to the ship entering some sort of time dilation where time moved much faster in that pocket of space than the space around it or perhaps the ship entered another alternate dimension that is similar to our own that happens to take place in a post-apocalyptic world. But none of this is new however, once upon a time ago there was a cheesy B-movie named Planet of Dinosaurs that was kind of a spoof and tribute to Planet of the Apes which surprisingly is very entertaining. So in a way I would say that this film is more like a film that was inspired by the plot of Planet of Dinosaurs.



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Ashamed_Ladder6161 t1_ja829xf wrote

Or the film fades, and we see a bunch of clothed dinosaurs sitting in a cinema, having just watched a screening of ‘cocaine human’


Hugh2D2 t1_ja7x9pj wrote

the kid is autistic and the last scene is of them in a hospital bed staring at a dinosaur in a snowglobe.


themikesem t1_ja8bpxd wrote

Every movie would be better with this ending.


LiveByYourWits t1_ja7wjtb wrote

He is a dinosaur. He’s in Jurassic Park. It was all a dream.


Ashamed_Ladder6161 t1_ja81zvd wrote

He realises he’s just slaughtered a whole bunch of costumed performers at a children birthday party in Disney World.


TrickNatural t1_ja85vbg wrote

He didnt travel to the past, he is in fact in the future. Life on Earth ended after a cataclysmic event and its going through the whole stages of evolution all over again.

If it sounds very dumb its only because it is very dumb.


DanteDMC2001 t1_jaa6ci6 wrote

I had this same thought and am throughly convinced this is the twist.


Ashamed_Ladder6161 t1_ja823kg wrote

Or the last dying dinosaur whispers to him ‘I ask you, who is the real monster? No, not I’. Adam drops to his knees and cries out. Fade to black. The end?


Fr0ski t1_ja823rr wrote

They are not on Earth in the past but actually another planet.

It’s actually a Godzilla movie. Godzilla is the final boss and the dinosaurs are his spawn.


DrRexMorman t1_ja7wtjk wrote

Seconding u/Livebyyourwits’ suggestion that it takes place in Nurassic Park, adding that Adam Driver dies in the first reel and it’s really about the kid.


[deleted] t1_ja7x1s1 wrote



Aralmin OP t1_ja801cf wrote

I don't see a connection unless you imply that the meteor or asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs instead brought a deadly cargo inside which is the Death Angels and then they wiped out all major life forms on Earth. Well I suppose in that sense its plausible but then how would you explain how the marine animals and flying animals go extinct as well? In the films, it is shown that they can't swim. It is also never shown what their life cycle is either, how do they die? What do they eat? They kill everything else around them and then they all die of starvation?


pehr71 t1_ja82nqp wrote

It’s going to be what 90-95 minutes? Will there be time for plot twists? Except for the one after the credits teasing the sequel?


Indy997 t1_ja83o98 wrote

That they didn't end up there by accident but by 3rd party plan. (Government, big corporation, rogue elements, whatever.)


mariop715 t1_ja89c8h wrote

Neve Campbell's Sidney Prescott saves him at the last minute, and it's revealed she was sucked into this alternate dimension Earth. Neatly explains her absence from Scream 6 which opens the same day.


jamesneysmith t1_ja8egze wrote

That adam driver is just in a futuristic theme park experience where humans and dinosaurs battle each other for survival. Then the movie twists again when you're shown driver is jist an AI human program that believes he is real and in fact it is the dinosaurs that are paying for the theme park experience to battle the humans


sotommy t1_ja8tw1s wrote

Adam Driver killed the dinosaurs


KL5-2390 t1_ja94ptq wrote

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker appears in a DeLorean.

"Adam, you've gotta come back with me!"


"Back to the Star Wars franchise!"


n0v3list t1_ja9am88 wrote

My guess would be that they are Adam and eve. Figuratively. 65 million years ago, humans land on a planet full of dinosaurs. 65 million years later, here we are. I think it's fair to assume from the trailer that they can't leave.


Aralmin OP t1_jada6bw wrote

I am wondering that as well. How is the story and plot going to tiptoe around the fact that they just crashed on a planet full of hostile creatures? What is the resolution? Everyone dies? Everyone is saved by a third party? It is for reasons like this that makes me wonder what is really going on under the surface. Maybe in the film it won't seem like a twist, maybe the ending reveals something that was just overlooked from earlier in the film. But in the end, I don't really see where the plot can go other than flashbacks and seeking a new home to live in. That is the only resolution that I see.


PatTheHouseCat t1_ja9dqmm wrote

All the dinosaurs are so thicc. Like fat thicc.

I’ll just say it. Fat. Fat dinos. Is that a twist?


crowexb t1_jaatbhh wrote

The emperor is still alive


Atlas_Felix_9 t1_ja82jft wrote

My take from the trailer is that they landed on earth during a particular dinosaur timeline (Jurassic?). The film is called 65 and dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. So they traveled back in time. However, I should say I don’t know anything about the story, I’ve avoided the trailers but only copped a bit here and there.


Karakotaera t1_ja9r1ll wrote

To answer your timeline-question, it‘s the Cretaceous, not the Jurassic.


Adiwik t1_ja86hvb wrote

It's the sound of thunder


2BFrank69 t1_ja86la3 wrote

He somehow changes modern history


tehlastsith t1_ja86vhh wrote

I feel like the twist will be his superiors being aware of where and when he is. From the beginning of it


Pretty_Ax2711 t1_ja87xkb wrote

I’m actually looking forward to this movie and feel it’s being underrated compared to some of the other March films


Rhomega2 t1_ja8khy1 wrote

He takes off into space and runs into the Battlestar Galactica.


Baba0Wryly t1_ja8pe9b wrote

Portal opens, he goes through, ends up in a lab, meets a redheaded woman named Regina, boom, it was Dino Crisis all along.


Sammy_Zee t1_ja8tdld wrote

He was the meteor all along.


justan0therjeff t1_ja8wzhl wrote

Driver’s mom and the dinosaurs’ moms are all named Martha. They all become best friends.


Frankie6Strings t1_jaagb4a wrote

Driver's last line in the film is "Life, uh, finds a way" and the audience realizes he's an ancestor of Dr Ian Malcolm.