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MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j9quzdt wrote


>The novel follows an elderly Briton couple, Axl and Beatrice, living in a fictional post-Arthurian England in which no one is able to retain long-term memories.

>Del Toro will produce as well as direct, and is co-writing the script with Matilda the Musical scribe Dennis Kelly.


ConfusedAlgernon t1_j9tbo82 wrote

> Ishiguro

> elderly couple in a world with no long-term memory

This will be absolutely devastating, won't it?


pawnografik t1_j9tjgof wrote

It is, and it will.

One of the few novels I shed a tear at but still enjoyed immensely. Perfectly balanced.

I think they’ll be studying it in high schools in 10 years. What a writer.


NewUser579169 t1_j9twcvu wrote

The book is pretty slow, and you sort of realize that it's probably a metaphor for aging and death part of the way through, and then the end really hits you hard. I can't wait to be an emotional wreck at the end of this


TheChrisLambert t1_j9uqyw9 wrote

I read the book. Not nearly as powerful as Never Let Me Go. But still has its moments. I was pretty disappointed in it.


racebannon64 t1_j9r9ska wrote

I sometimes wonder what his Hobbit movies would've been like.


Asgathor t1_j9tjhjj wrote

There would be only 2 of them and they would be great.


Euphoric_Ad_2049 t1_j9ttui4 wrote

Him doing an adaptation of the hobbit story in a single animated movie would be fantastic


s3rila t1_j9rlkcs wrote

Can't he do an animated mountain of madness?


[deleted] t1_j9sxolj wrote



AlanMorlock t1_j9twyke wrote

His at the mountains of madness script was pretty terrible and is one of the biggest dodged bullets of all time.


TravelinDan88 t1_j9uemh6 wrote

Everyone wants his Mountains Of Madness but I don't think many people have actually read that story. Absolutely nothing happens. Nothing. Just some dudes surrounded by snow, then they come across an eldritch horror briefly and run away. The only way to turn that into a decent movie is by adding a whole lot of nonsense which would detract from Lovecraft's original work in a huge way.

The story is great as words on a page. It gets into your head and makes you think on it. Putting it on film wouldn't work.


Newtype316 t1_j9tcfz0 wrote

Not the best Lovecraft though. One part frozen landscape and The Thing, then a jaunt through a frozen city. While both could be beautifully animated, there isn’t much happening. Or to happen.


Voidbearer2kn17 t1_j9to71s wrote

That is honestly the news I hope to read whenever I see his name. No director is more perfect for that style of movie, though I think a mini-series might be better for the length and world-building for that style.


kdlt t1_j9uuywv wrote

Seriously, can he just get on with it already please?


useless169 t1_j9ryfns wrote

Oooh, I just finished reading this yesterday! Would love a film adaptation.


IntraspaceAlien t1_j9sy2lf wrote

What did you think about it


TheChrisLambert t1_j9urdhh wrote

I’m a pretentious literary person. It was not my cup of tea. I really like other Ishiguro works but this was so simple and silly.

If you’ve read any fantasy genre staples, it pales in comparison. And if you like high-brow literary, it just feels childish.

There are some nice ideas and characters but weird to see someone I respect so much put out something that read so half baked

From what I’ve seen, though, I tend to be in the minority. Many others have thought it engaging and emotional.


IntraspaceAlien t1_j9rgb1e wrote

I don’t know how I feel about how this will translate to film. Not my favorite of his books but maybe that’s just because I’m not big on fantasy.

It also took way longer than his other books for me to understand the point he was trying to make or what the themes were. Right up until almost the very end I was trying to get the metaphor and the book wasn’t that interesting until you figured it out.


pawnografik t1_j9tj6da wrote

I can’t wait for this. One of my top 5 filmmakers doing an adaptation of one of my top 5 novels.


cabose7 t1_j9t633b wrote

I wonder if he'll be able to make another movie during this like Nightmare Alley during Pinocchio's production


AlanMorlock t1_j9tx6mg wrote

He's mentioned getting production started on something sooner though it hasn't been announced what.


92tilinfinityand t1_j9ttkfl wrote

Dennis Kelly is an incredible writer too. Great lineup here.


AlanMorlock t1_j9tyx40 wrote

Very silly die Daadline to report an "exclusive" firnsomethong thst Cartoon Brew reported 3 weeks ago.


Slick_Tuxedo t1_j9toi03 wrote

Have this book sitting on my shelf to be read. Maybe this is a sign to crack it open next


LiveJournal t1_j9u50xl wrote

why do I still hold out hope for him making a miniseries based on Urasawa's Monster.


leatherwolf89 t1_j9ucuii wrote

The film must be very heavy if it's breaking the ground.


Deep-Doughnut-9423 t1_j9uhtll wrote

Omg I love this book but how he can make a movie out of this is beyond me.


aRAh9 t1_j9r0sxe wrote

nothing about that movie was or is ground breaking.


ethylalcohoe t1_j9r2j3p wrote

Ok but was it good? I have it in my queue


ArousedByDougFunnie t1_j9rrpw3 wrote

Listen Giulermo Del Toro is great director, I absolutely loved what he did with the Hobbit movies. But to call Pinocchio groundbreaking is like calling Mary Had a Little Lamb groundbreaking because you give the Lamb PCP before you put on your tap dancing shoes 🙄

Pinocchio is one of the most basic and worn out stories out there. There’s been at least 7 or 8 Pinocchio movies, some of them adult films sure, but those are still stories. We all know about the tiny wooden boy who lies so much thst his nose turns into a oak tree. We all know that Gepetto is a bitch, and hems and haws all day about a basic boy puppet. Completely bog standard yawn fuel at this point. 🥱

I wish Guillermo would take on more challenging projects at some point. Maybe a movie about The Trail of Tears? It’s a fascinating historical event that could really become a great epic action thriller. And it could give us as a society a prime opportunity to cast Native Americans in prominent roles, to make up for past injustices. You can’t undo smallpox, but you can at least give out a few “my bad” tokens. I think it’s a great start.

If on an off chance Guillermo is reading this, please start being more adventurous in your movies. If you or one of his agents wants to pm I have plenty of ideas.


slamdanceswithwolves t1_j9s7701 wrote

>Listen Giulermo Del Toro is great director, I absolutely loved what he did with the Hobbit movies.

You mean his partial screenwriting credit before he dropped out of the project?

>If on an off chance Guillermo is reading this, please start being more adventurous in your movies. If you or one of his agents wants to pm I have plenty of ideas.



ArousedByDougFunnie t1_j9sne2w wrote

Well of course I know he left the project obviously. I meant the work he did before he left the project, obviously. 🙄 It was very good work.


sugarfreefixsuxshit t1_j9sw27w wrote

yea, you definitely did not know that


ArousedByDougFunnie t1_j9swpwt wrote

Wrong, just completely and provably false 😼 I’m not sure how I could prove it to you exactly, but if you asked my friends they all know about how much I would read up extensively on Guilermo’s inside work for the picture. The dragon designs, the sweeping vision, the dwarfs, it was all set to be so great. The fact that you think I would not only not know this but not be following the ins and outs of the production process is simply flabbergusting if you actually knew how deeply I study films.


axiomaticIsak t1_j9sv6pi wrote

Did you- Did you watch the movie? It was incredibly creative,in adaptation, absolutely masterfully animated and completely different from any other Pinocchio from before it. To say that it isn't challenging or original is just so patently ridiculous almost to the point of parody


pawnografik t1_j9tl23u wrote

Is it kid (11yr olds) friendly? Or some grim child abuse story?


axiomaticIsak t1_j9u2rrk wrote

Well, that does kind of depend on the child, the movie does get... intense, but there isn't ever anything that would be called 'explicit' in the traditional sense. Depending on how resilient your child is, I would air on the side of yes, it probably is appropriate, but remain cautious.

Like, it features heavy themes like death, grief and fascism, all of which it handles very well, but I would say they are made child-accessible, if not necessarily 'child-friendly' per se.