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Tr4c3gaming t1_jedc04t wrote

A lot of the story threads movies and games and even comics follow are basically just remaking older stories...even if they call themselves new.

So to many superheroes as a genre... is quite dead or at the very least getting milked needlessly.

Then again this is a problem with pretty much any genre especially when the movies and games get more expensive..because studios basically cannot allow themselves to do truly groundbreaking or risky stuff... it is hard that producers go away from the traditional heroes journey and whatnot...which is exactly why average feeling movies happen, in a way a super large budget kills a movies creativity...kinda makes sense though it is like many call the galapagos finch problem... theres many birds, you can only pick one to represent the island... producers will pick the most generic one not the most unique or cool one... to many stale, but a safe play... this is why many feel like stuff is just perpertually dying...because large budgets tend to play it safe... happens with games especially...which is in part why indie games can allow themselves to challenge AAA titles..because AAA titles tend to have so much budget they have to play it safe...this is in part why single player story games are dying too in AAA spaces...this is why theres so many remakes or reboots of series.. they can be safe while being fresh...or put some more complex.. though quite generic story on a known IP (see tomb raider remake for instance, the game is nice but let's face it don't name it tomb raider and it isn't exactly a new story...they just added complexity to a new coat of paint of something older, much simpler)

This very largely depends how much you know about the comics and older stuff that preceeded these newer movies

Games and movies and genres are always in a perpetual state of dying as the older fan base slowly gets alienated from what they knew it was...or theres just nothing new under the sun.

This is also in part why if they don't do remakes.. they often do spinoffs of characters or start completely new IPs because that's a blank slate even if you use safe story threads it feels more fresh.


_Meece_ t1_jedei3b wrote

> this is in part why single player story games are dying too in AAA spaces.

Your entire AAA gaming paragraph is a bit out of whack. But this one isn't even true.

Multiplayer games have been shoved to the side because of the past generation. Unless a MP game is a F2P skin machine... it dies and even then most die anyway.

All the big publishers, largely focus on SP experiences to various degrees. With each having maybe one major MP game they focus on.

Where as in the generation before that, the 360/PS3 gen. Every game came with a random tacked on MP mode, most of which were horrible.

You legit don't see this anymore. Usually the MP is like entirely separate from the SP game even if they do have one. See RDR2 or TLOU2, the latter of which is still waiting for the release of its MP mode.

SP story games are more popular than ever. They just take ages to make, like a AAA game greenlit today, won't come out until the PS6 is out.