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Intelligent-Age2786 t1_jefqfmy wrote

I feel like there’s a section of the film bro community that will not accept any opinion they don’t agree with. Like if you like a certain thing then you don’t have good taste or shit like that. There are too many people out there who act as if their opinions are facts, and try to spread a toxic form of filmbro highbrow ideology. Personally, I’m not picky so I enjoy all movies. I love Infinity War and The Dark Knight just as much as I love The Godfather Part 2 and The Irishman. It’s all subjective taste. And there’s nothing wrong with liking things others don’t, and there’s nothing wrong with not liking things that others do.

I feel like some people listen to critics too extensively to the point they basically pick up their opinion before they are able to form their own. I feel some people let critics influence their opinions way more than they admit.

There is no right or wrong opinion. That’s why it’s an opinion. We need diversity in the film industry and world. We need differing opinions and products cuz not everyone likes the same things as everyone else. We need stuff for everyone to enjoy.