Submitted by SlasherFan69 t3_122c8dl in movies

Considering all the movies where the Nazis are the bad guys, what do you think the best nazi death scenes was?
Many people say the melting Nazi from Indiana Jones however I think that one was not very good and too fake. Many others like inglourious bastards which has it's moments, but honestly what is your favourite Nazi death scene and why?



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lowshay99 t1_jdpqmeg wrote

In Fury where they prance the officer out that was hanging women and children. Then load him full bullets


DrBotanus t1_jdpr57s wrote

"Anybody order fried sauerkraut?"


Jarnin t1_jdptkyx wrote

The end of Raiders Of The Lost Ark is pretty satisfying.


WinkyNurdo t1_jdpudqg wrote

Can’t do much better than Downfall, with all the knobs topping themselves.

Really though, it depends what you want from a film. The nazis getting it in Raiders is one thing, but then seeing the captured squad in Come and See get their chips is something else. Those are two extreme opposites in fantasy and horrific realism/surrealism.

If you’re going for battle scenes, then Stalingrad (1993), with the Russians approaching the frozen, dug in soldiers with tanks is hard to beat.


fnordit t1_jdpv0df wrote

Airplane nazi from Indiana Jones, hands down.


mikeweasy t1_jdpvbkm wrote

Hitler getting shot to death in Inglorious Basterds


chlamydial_lips t1_jdpxipv wrote

Upham putting a round in the German they freed previously after he returned to fighting was a pretty damn compelling scene in Saving Private Ryan


DrRexMorman t1_jdq0r26 wrote

>melting Nazi from Indiana Jones however I think that one was not very good and too fake

I like this one, a lot:

It's fun it is watching the Blues Brothers drive a car into a crowd of Nazis, but I'm also horrified that republicans have embraced the Nazi's posturing and talking points:

Watching Paul Sorvino-as-mob-boss reject Nazism:

and mow down Nazis is fun:


majorminus92 t1_jdq552a wrote

Amon Goeth’s botched hanging from Schindlers List where the stool won’t break and he has to suffocate rather than get the easy broken neck.


kiwi-66 t1_jdq9cn3 wrote

The final scene in Come and See (1985) - The partisans realise that they'd just be as evil as the Nazi squad if they set them on fire, so they gun them down instead.

The asssasination of Reinhard Heydrich in Atentát/The Assasination (1964) and Anthropoid (2016) - That POS arguably deserved what came to him (he eventually died of infection).


EarthExile t1_jdqc1an wrote

When Eli Roth turns Hitler into chili at the end of Inglourious Basterds. A lot of excellent Nazi-killing in that movie, but what could top masscring Hitler like he's Sonny Corleone?


trans_asari t1_jdqlnym wrote

So funny that this is downvoted into a crater but terrible movie poster reuploads from the same account are always at 10k+ upvotes. Reddit is a cesspool. Not being allowed to discuss movies on r/movies is hilarious.


kleptophobiac t1_jdrzq27 wrote

Nazi Gregory Peck being torn apart by Dobermans at the command of a teenaged Hitler clone in Boys from Brazil.


Reasonable-HB678 t1_jdsjz79 wrote

Got us a German here who would like to die for his country. Oblige him!


Minelayer t1_jdtjyfi wrote

I mean, when I was at an Ark of the Covenant opening, there was a few Nazis there, (one with glasses) and they melted pretty much the way they showed in” Raiders”, so I’m not sure why you are saying it’s “too fake.”


Minelayer t1_jdtkete wrote

Have you seen “The Flame and Citron” it takes place in occupied Norway and there are some very satisfying moments in there.

It would be like what happens if the Russians some how overwhelm Ukraine…


TakedownCorn t1_jdu5o61 wrote

Any on screen Nazi death is a 10/10 in my books


hogua t1_jdxclim wrote

The best Nazi death scene in Raiders wasn’t the melting face, it was the dude that took a propeller to the face while in a fist fight with Indy.