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pghhome412 t1_jdl5wmi wrote

Anyways, the shark movie that needs to be made is where the shark isn’t the enemy, the shark is the fear, the people are the enemy. “Haha loser already been made check insert name of movie here”. No shark attacks, but the fear of shark leads causes the people to go, “out of character”. Todays day and age, everyone wants a what’s going to happen next mind buster.


ledouxrt t1_jdlojgd wrote

How about a spinoff from Austin Powers where one of Dr Evil's sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads escape his secret lair because it's tired of killing for him and his evil henchmen. But the world thinks it was unleashed to wreak havoc on Dr Evil's behalf for one MILLION dollars and they go crazy trying to destroy it, which they themselves become the reason the world gets destroyed and not the shark who just wants to live a peaceful life, apart from the occasional feeding frenzy.