Submitted by baklavabaddie t3_1222sdq in movies

You know those movies with like a little tune all throughout them, I can only think of taxi driver and breakfast at Tiffany’s but I assume there would be more as it’s such a cool concept. I think it adds a really nice coherentness to a movie which I like. So movie lovers of reddit I was wondering if you can think of any movies that have a little tune?



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PNWkinkqueens t1_jdolqws wrote

Inception uses Édith Piaf’s “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” at varying speeds—depending on which level of dream you’re on.


baklavabaddie OP t1_jdoyzd1 wrote

Ahh that movies on my watch list, thank you for reminding me to go see it


LittleBullBoy t1_jdomg8z wrote

True Romance and Badlands have a great little steel drum tune all throughout


Stratobastardo34 t1_jdomr5z wrote

Are you talking about the movie's score or a song that's played in the movie? There's literally hundreds of movies with great scores. Some iconic scores would be The Godfather, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Once Upon a Time in the West, Blade Runner, and Lawrence of Arabia.

If you're looking for examples of movies with specific songs, then I would suggest Fritz Lang's M, Casablanca, pretty much any Quentin Tarantino movie but more specifically Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction and Death Proof, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Goodfellas. There are a lot more, but these are what I can think of right now.


baklavabaddie OP t1_jdp0sy6 wrote

Thank you for all the great recommendations, I have watched most of those but I’ll definitely check out the ones I haven’t!! :)


BEE_REAL_ t1_jdoilx1 wrote

> I can only think of taxi driver

This is a thing for most other movies Bernard Herrmann did the score for too

The Long Goodbye's score is literally just one song played in different arrangements

Stalker and L'Intrus are a couple other movies I can think of with basically just one tune as the score, sometimes shifting a little bit or adding/subtracting


baklavabaddie OP t1_jdoyv08 wrote

I’ll definitely check it out!! Thank you for the recommendations, I just watched the trailer for l’intrus and it certainly looks fascinating


BEE_REAL_ t1_jdp6o1k wrote

I really like Claire Denis but I could not make heads or tails of that movie for the life of me


billyhbaienes t1_jdojh8q wrote

The Batman with that Nirvana song littered through out


bettysueflowers t1_jdojvtr wrote

For some reason all I can think of is Home Alone


Earguy t1_jdok51l wrote

Live and Let Die used a feature of the theme song throughout the movie.


g_st_lt t1_jdokv6a wrote

The Card Counter


baklavabaddie OP t1_jdoybdn wrote

I have heard of this movie!! I just watched the trailer and it looks cool!! Thank you for the recommendation


g_st_lt t1_jdp0k4a wrote

Written and directed by the writer of Taxi Driver, too. I refrained from mentioning that originally because of course the writer didn't make soundtrack decisions on Taxi Driver. But if you might watch it that might be relevant.


baklavabaddie OP t1_jdp1em5 wrote

Thank you!! I need to watch more martin scorsese movies, I have seen about 6 of his films but I would like to watch more :)


cbbuntz t1_jdom6wz wrote

Between Two Ferns has the same theme as Taxi Driver


Flaky-Roll-4900 t1_jdompct wrote

The whistle song from Kill Bill 2 used to get stuck in my head for days.


Muldertak t1_jdoo16f wrote

“Twisted Nerve” by Bernard Hermann. Soundtrack for the film of the same name, released 1968.


andro_7 t1_jdoq7hr wrote

Not a movie but Twin Peaks had a constant loop


Squibbles t1_jdotv0j wrote

Jail Bait from Ed Wood has this guitar playing in the background practically through the entire movie


JellyRollGeorge t1_jdoude6 wrote

It's mildly obscure but if you can overcome the one inch barrier then the Italian movie Leolo has Tom Waits' Cold Cold Ground playing throughout and is a decent film.


ZorroMeansFox t1_jdoum9f wrote

Here's something famous for doing just that:

Robert Altman's neo-noir film The Long Goodbye.

Every single piece of music in the entire film (except for the End Titles' Music, which features a satiric use of Hooray for Hollywood) is a variation of the same piece of music: "The Long Goodbye" --composed by John Williams! (It's one of his most unique scores.)

But the thing is, each time it's heard (mostly diegetically) it's re-composed for an entirely different genre, in a way which is in tune with the scene: There's a Blue's Version, a Piano Bar Version, a Jazz version, a Mariachi Band version, composed as music for a Funeral procession; it's hummed by a thug, heard as Muzak in a grocery story, and used in many other ways. The opening notes of its melody are even used as the doorbell chime at the home of the movie's femme fatale.


baklavabaddie OP t1_jdoxxak wrote

No way that sounds awesome!! I’ll definitely check it out! Thank you


WhereIsThatElephant t1_jdow49t wrote

Taxi Driver is the least consistent movie I have seen


The Shining (1980)


Re_LE_Vant_UN t1_jdp2wjw wrote

Dead Man (1995)

Neil Young does the entire soundtrack on electric guitar, with a lot of reverb. It often is jarring and adds to the surreal nature of the film, which is ostensibly a Western at first glance. Johnny Depp stars.


woodsboro96 t1_jdp3d6z wrote

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is the first one that comes to mind for me… one of my favorite films. The five note melody that the aliens use to communicate with humans is both diegetic in the world of the film and mixed beautifully into the John Williams score. It probably would’ve won an Oscar if John Williams hadn’t written the Oscar-winning score for Star Wars that same year.