Submitted by AMAROK300 t3_124wla7 in movies

Curious to see what kind of ideas you guys have! Would you create a new IP? Buy smaller studios? Release one film at a time? Start with a subscription model?

My friends and I were discussing how a24 might be the new juggernaut so we were curious if it were possible!

I’d love to hear your ideas, opinions, insights and discuss them!



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graymulligan t1_je17rt3 wrote

Well, I'd start with a couple of billion dollars to lure talent away from the other studios, and then figure it out from there. I'm not sure there's a non-financial answer to this question that's realistic.


zeroultram t1_je190i9 wrote

Yeah there’s nothing else to add. You’d need billions


WilsonEnthusiast t1_je1d9dn wrote

I don't even know that the billions are the most important part at this point.

Starting with no control over bankable IP and no catalog of decades worth of classic content feels like it makes competing anytime soon impossible.

Competitors to these kinds of companies can't just spring up over night. They'd have to be built out of something much much smaller over the course of a lot of time.


graymulligan t1_je1gqrx wrote

>Starting with no control over bankable IP and no catalog of decades worth of classic content feels like it makes competing anytime soon impossible.

You know what solves that problem? Billions.

(in all seriousness, you bring up a great point. You'd need a huge amount of money and the IP. Without both, this isn't working.)


WilsonEnthusiast t1_je1sj7j wrote

I mean they are definitely important haha.

There's a huge difference between Marvel now and Marvel when Disney acquired it though.

And that took over a decade to build.


BadrBombaker t1_je4crfx wrote

And probably also green light from someone in the Rothschild’s first


remembervideostores t1_je1bg8r wrote

Adaptations of children’s books that were popular 2000-2010, make stuff to watch on dates, cast actors that are memed frequently, horror mashed up with other genres, and churn out B-movie renditions of viral news stories.


Dottsterisk t1_je19ebm wrote

Rival in what way? Financial success? Critical success? Artistic freedom?

I’m hopeful that the more egalitarian, profit-sharing enterprise spearheaded by Affleck and Damon works out. They may not ever be making the regular billion-dollar movies, but if they carve out a place where artists can consistently make mid-budget films for adult audiences, then I’d call that a success.


krattalak t1_je1a6ur wrote

Money. Lots and Lots of Money. And Lawyers. You'll need Lawyers. A24 is primarily a distribution company, buying already finished films. You go to events like cannes, sundance and the like and bid on them.


kasetti t1_je177r4 wrote

Gritty action movies. They wouldnt make as much money as for example superhero stuff or kids animations, but I would like them.


AMAROK300 OP t1_je17e6x wrote

MORE John Wicks?! 😱


kasetti t1_je186ay wrote

Sure, but maybe a bigger focus on vehicles and a bit more miserable and realistic. Mad Max 2 is the one I would use as reference.


FatalD3stny t1_je1jj60 wrote

The best thing to do is hope Disney implodes. Their marketing and brand recognition is deeply seated.


cosi_bloggs t1_je22f69 wrote

Studio: Motherlode

Icon: Black M from end to end on a white background.

I'm banking on bringing back the filmmaker. I want to see the following first thing Monday... David Lynch, Woody Allen, David Mamet, Harmony Korine, Ralph Bakshi, Hal Hartley, Atom Egoyan, John Waters, Adrian Lyne, Alejandro Jodorowsky, John Sayles, Alan Rudolph, Christopher Guest, Neil LaBute, Whit Stillman, Susan Seidelman, Alison Maclean, Guy Maddin, Larry Clark, Vincent Gallo, Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, Tarsem Singh, Crispin Glover, Amos Kollek, Henry Jaglom, Alex Cox, Fernando Arrabal, Amos Poe, Karim Hussain, Jorje Krippe, Bruce LaBruce, Brian Trenchard-Smith, Bob Balaban, Tom Noonan and Lodge Kerrigan

I'm looking for exclusive new content from each of them. I think there'll be some ideas there for film (and tv), and I'm hoping one or two stick to put us on the map. With that said, we are leading with Lynch's Wisteria. It should attract some names... and subscriptions.

Adele Hanael is handed an opportunity to return to the industry with a unique proposal. We'll go an exclusive 5 film run, and she'll get to pick with whom she works. This includes the opportunity for her to direct. These shall be rom-coms, and we shall see her English-language debut. I believe she can be marketable.


TennisBallsSmellGood t1_je2fbd9 wrote

I’d do what Robert Evans did.

A) A LOT of cocaine.

B) Make medium budget adult oriented dramas with up and coming top talent (Rosemary’s Baby, The Conversation, The Godfather, The Odd Couple).

C) More cocaine.


NoirPochette t1_je2knvu wrote

Go back in time with a lot of money to 1915 and create a film studio and keep returning back in time to make it stick


amplifylight t1_je3nzlh wrote

You would find someone with the filmmaker prominence of Spielberg, the industry prominence of Katzenberg and Geffen and raise billions from banks. So team up Nolan with Bob Iger and say Charles King.

Even then you’ll probably just be successful enough to sell it off to a bigger studio, as happened with Dreamworks SKG.

The other thing to keep in mind is TV is as or more important than film these days.

A24 is the wrong comparison because it’s a speciality brand. Even when they make poppy movies it’s still aimed with a certain type of film audience in mind.


warrenmax12 t1_je4e9jl wrote

I would make mid budget movies. I would also give filmmakers i like say 10-30 mil a film and full creative control. We gonna do what 70s Paramount did. Art first. Money later.


DynamicPJQ t1_je7xq22 wrote

If a24 gets as big as Disney it’ll certainly come with a massive drop off in quality of their output.