Submitted by Blastspark01 t3_12834ym in movies

For me, it’s a good one-take shot. Even if it was actually filmed in multiple takes, it’s still great if it’s pieced together well. It also doesn’t have to be the whole movie. Even just a scene. Obviously 1917 did a great job, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope, episode 6 of The Haunting of Hill House, the fabergé egg scene from Game Night, Madi running through the house in Malignant isn’t very long but it’s shot really well. Danny riding his big wheel in The Shining (plus Duvall’s 100+ take scene) and Mia Goth’s 8 minute monologue in Pearl are also perfect.

Edit: Also happened to see two new movies in theatres today with them. >!John Wick 4!< and >!D&D: Honour Among Thieves!< the former’s one-take was similar to Malignant’s in that it gave a cool bird’s eye view



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garrisontweed t1_jeh5l82 wrote

“I’m putting together a team.”


UYScutiPuffJr t1_jeh0f32 wrote

Unrealistic sword fights. I know there has been a push toward a little more realism but give me a swashbuckling sword fight any day. Notable examples are The Mask of Zorro and The Princess Bride


cbbuntz t1_jeh39qh wrote

I recently rewatched the Rocky films for the first time since I was a kid. The boxing choreography is hilarious. It makes it look like boxing is a sport where they just take turns punching each other in the face and the concept of defense doesn't exist.


riegspsych325 t1_jeh1ov1 wrote

I love a good backup/cavalry arrival. Whether it be a “Hey you guys”, a blaring horn from Rohan, or even a shitty spaceship sneaking up on Vader, I am a sucker for it. Hell, I’ll even take a bunch of sonar-following bats storming a mental institution.

Shit, I might have to watch these soon


Kimjongnacca t1_jeh19u9 wrote

An athlete finding that last bit of energy/courage/ability to win.


HellOfAThing t1_jeh4zc5 wrote

Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds. I’m there for it and will continue to do so. 😆


benopo2006 t1_jeh0lqa wrote

Michael Bay’s slow motion explosions and crashes


systemstheorist t1_jegzg5r wrote

“We got company!”

Because that’s how action scenes start


Edm_vanhalen1981 t1_jeh1v6d wrote

The Rocky, Karate Kid trope.

Geek, loser, wimp, intellectually challenged becomes a champ and gets the girl in the end. I watch every single move on this trope. Can't get enough of it.


kasetti t1_jeh3nwm wrote

Slapping hysterical women. Always get a good chuckle out of that because how silly and inappropriate it is. Also head explosions.


FoxOntheRun99 t1_jeh1vku wrote

When everything clicks into place.....all that training and blood, sweat and tears finally comes together and the hero makes that one last play, move, fight pay off. Cue triumphant music.


boysetsfire1988 t1_jeh1iv3 wrote

>For me, it’s a good one-take shot.

Certainly cool when well executed, but i wouldn't call it a trope.