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sojou t1_je3uk7f wrote

I also thought it sucked, and I feel like I'm insane because everyone else seems to think it was the best in the series.

I LOVED the first movie, and 2 and 3 were solid 8/10s imo. This last one... way too long, with way too many plotholes and nonsensical writing. For example, the Osaka plotline. Why? Yes, the setting was super cool, and the fight was awesome. But there was literally no good reason for John to go, and the visit accomplished nothing but screwing over his loyal friend. And the whole deal with the Elder? Snoke 2.0. Yes, suspension of disbelief and all that, but some of the writing in this movie was just way too contrived.

And it all just felt like such a letdown. At the end of 3, they made it seem like they were going to go to WAR and usurp the High Table, replacing them with people who've helped John. Winston, the King, Halle Berry's character, Akira, etc.

But nah, instead we get a 2.5 hour snoozefest where the stakes actually felt lower than they were in 3, where the drawn-out action and just lame attempts at humor turned the movie into a parody of itself. Terrible.

Dragon's breath scene was great though, 10/10.
