Submitted by today_okay t3_123qi8f in movies

I've been doing some retrospection on Indiana Jones and probably more lately because of the shitty 4th movie and possibly (likely) shitty 5th movie. Indy could (should?) have done more to stop hitler and maybe his hero worship should be reconsidered because he sort of responded very passively when he faced him face-to-face. But as I thought about it, I thought - why didn't Marty and Doc do more? Why didn't Superman fly back in time to do something? Why didn't the wizarding world mother fuckers decide to break their anonynomity and help the muggles out?



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cbbuntz t1_jdvtjwg wrote

Wonder woman lived through WWII and it was just not addressed


Streets-Ahead- t1_jdw24g4 wrote

That is a weird one, especially since 1984 reveals that she wasn't just living in isolation for decades after WW1 like we might have previously assumed.


unknownpoltroon t1_jdvu0y0 wrote

Because people don't like the genocide of their family and friends exploited for cheap thrills in comic book level movies.


Dan_92159 t1_jdvwi2w wrote

Indiana Jones wouldn't have known how bad Hitler was going to be. Raiders of the Lost Ark was set in 1936, and The Last Crusade was 1938.


can_of_cactus t1_jdvtx5c wrote

Wolverine could have waltzed through the nazi ranks and merc'd the entire command chain.


Streets-Ahead- t1_jdw2be0 wrote

Not really, he and Sabertooth got captured during Vietnam, after all. They are very hard to kill, but not invincible. Especially before the adamantium.


iDuddits_ t1_jdxawxq wrote

If we treat magnetos power level to be consistent, he probably could have wiped out the axis forces himself hah. The bridge scene in x3 shows he’s op


Streets-Ahead- t1_jdxh5lo wrote

Not when he was a little kid. He bent a fence (not really understanding how) and got dragged away.


Dove_of_Doom t1_jdw2m1c wrote

It seems odd to criticize Indiana Jones, pop culture's most prolifically anti-Nazi action hero, for not single-handedly taking out Hitler. Was Indy supposed to assassinate Hitler at that book burning in Last Crusade? That wouldn't have gone well.


MysteriousTelephone t1_jdvzsbn wrote

The ‘good wizards’ in Fantastic Beasts actively fight to make sure The Holocaust actually happens!

In the second movie, Grindlewald is addressing his followers in a big speech. He conjures imagery of WWI & WWII (including The Holocaust) and says “This is what the muggles will bring about in the next few years, we need to intervene now!” and the good guys are like “We’ve gotta stop this guy!” 😂


SportPretend3049 t1_jdwd1mf wrote

Captain America was actively trying to do so.

Indiana Jones wasn't soldier. He just crossed pathes with the Nazis on occasion.


hogua t1_jdwz2ji wrote

Obviously not Lt Aldo Raines. He got the job done


LevelStudent t1_jdvvt0z wrote

The Flash could easily go back in time and free ever prisoner of every WWII concentration camp in an hour and even move them into new homes (that he built 0.00001 seconds ago after a quick breakfast lunch and dinner while carrying the person) and even make Hitler die in a way that looks like suicide.

But all The Flash stories that involve time travel seem to mostly focus on how you're not allowed to change anything, so the only direction that story could go is having The Flash being forced to put the people back into concentration camps, which might not sit well with readers.


Deducticon t1_jdvzgnq wrote

Or use the Freejack movie premise or a similar premise about yoinking people from disaster seconds before untraceable plane crash deaths. (Can't recall the movie)

These saved people are now living in the future. So history played out the same.


DaDinklesIsMyJam t1_jdvwqe9 wrote

Eternals, they could have stopped so many of them. I guess the less said about that film the better.


tigojones t1_jdvu63q wrote

WRT Superman, Marty, and Doc. Time Travel is a bitch.

  1. Multiverse theory in which they don't actually prevent it, just move to a timeline where it was already prevented. Those people still die in your original universe (and an infinite number of others), you just don't see it because you've moved to one of the infinite numbers where they don't.
  2. Grandfather paradox. You can't go back in time to kill your grandfather as a kid, because then you would cease to exist, and thus, be unable to kill your grandfather, which means he survives to go have your parent, who has you, who goes back in time to kill grandpa, who doesn't have your parent, who doesn't have you, so there's no one to go back to kill grandpa. Basically, something will happen to either prevent you from stopping it, or find a workaround to have it still happen (even if slightly different).
  3. Butterfly effect. We don't know how changing something like that would affect the rest of the timeline.

lizziec1993 t1_jdw2uuq wrote

RE: Grandfather paradox

Or you just end up becoming your own grandfather after doing the nasty in the pasty.


SportPretend3049 t1_jdxvubg wrote

Yep, the Nazis never rise to power so we fought WWII against Stalin instead.


GrimReaperAngelof23 t1_jdvw6ze wrote

There is nothing wrong with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. And if you think that it is bad because it is about the aliens, then you are an idiot. Besides, Indiana Jones goes against even more powerful and weird beings in the comics.


DrRexMorman t1_jdwa0tn wrote

>Indiana Jones and probably more lately because of the shitty 4th movie and possibly (likely) shitty 5th movie. Indy could (should?) have done more to stop hitler and maybe his hero worship should be reconsidered because he sort of responded very passively when he faced him face-to-face

God, who is explicitly anti-Nazi in Raiders of the Lost Ark, gave the ark of the covenant to Indiana Jones.

The US gov put it in storage.

Ergo, the US gov is responsible for the Holocaust.

It's a clever condemnation of the US' inaction.

>Why didn't the wizarding world mother fuckers decide to break their anonynomity and help the muggles out?

Grindlewald argues that he should be made king of the wizards to prevent the muggles from fighting World War ii at the conclusion of Fantastic beasts 2.

I suspect future Fantastic beasts movies would have addressed that.


freedomhighway t1_jdx4n5t wrote

Picard coulda done it but too worried about the prime directive, i guess

Kirk woulda nuked the hell out of hitler in the blink of an eye while eating another apple, that's my kinda captain


SirDrexl t1_jdxnm48 wrote

Remember that in BTTF, Doc was very much against going back and changing things in the past, as it would unravel the space-time continuum. Look at all the drama over merely keeping Marty's parents from meeting.


MiseryandCompany23 t1_jdyl5hz wrote

Bill and Ted could have unknowingly convinced Hitler to off-himself a lot sooner just by their presence


Dragonborn83196 t1_jdvwd5v wrote

I think Watchmen semi addresses this. For example, there’s a scene where Edward Blake/The Comedian, is walking out of an alley way and you see two parents with a little boy during the opening montage, which we are lead to assume both of Bruce’s parents lived along with Bruce. Also they use Dr. Manhattan in the Vietnam war and he just dominates everything in which the US ends up winning the war instead of just pulling out and giving up


BlackNosedOwl t1_jdvyg95 wrote

Indiana Jones might be responsible for letting WWII happen. Hitler was so obsessed with the Ark and he wanted to open it, and Jones managed to thwarted his plans. Maybe not plot hole but I was blown away.


Dove_of_Doom t1_jdw2xol wrote

I doubt Hitler would have personally opened the Ark after it melted all the Nazi scum on that island.