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Humble_Animal_998 t1_jdtni1x wrote

It's a great franchise, but these hyperbolic articles are getting old.


HersheyBarAbs t1_jdtob95 wrote

The only way John Wick would change movies in any form, would be if the Oscars actually added a best stunt category. World-building in films is nothing new.


[deleted] t1_jdtvaj7 wrote

John Wick does nothing Hong Kong hasn't been doing since the 80s


mangalore-x_x t1_jdujdi7 wrote

lol, John Wick was great action because it was solely thought up by stunt coordinators.

The world building of it is laughable and only barely there to keep churning out sequels. It was never the point.

What's next? Fast & Furious revolutionized character drama?


cthd33 t1_jdtu6iz wrote

It saved cinema.


humanbeening t1_jdtqi2x wrote

Every very popular film changes movies forever. The for better or worse is a matter of opinion.


cabose7 t1_jdtsr0s wrote

Really working hard on headlines these days


Tubie123 t1_jdu25w8 wrote

Im trying hard to get into John Wick as a franchise because I luv Keanu but I just dont think it needed to be one.


Bonzai-Xenith t1_jdxtajv wrote

The John Wick franchise is utterly insignificant to the history of film.

This is something a 14-year-old might say.


The_Man_From_VA t1_je0iigi wrote

For sure these movies revitalized the action genre and have spawned countless imitators.

But let's be real. These are gun and judo flip movies. Nothing more.


CommunityLocal t1_jduk85w wrote

I tried to get through the first one and gave up with about 15 minutes left. Even after the hour + investment, I just didn’t care how it ended. Are the sequels supposed to be any better?


lucia-pacciola t1_jdv81wh wrote

Depends what you mean by "better". The sequels lean waaay more into the whole Assassin World thing. So if you wanted a lot more about the gold coins and Hitman Hotel and whatever shady organization apparently runs the whole world on that basis, the sequels may be for you.

But no, if you didn't care what happens to John Wick at the end of the first movie, you'll probably not care what happens to him in the second and third movies.

TBH I thought the premise of the second movie was solid, but all that High Table bullshit needed to be thrown in the trash where it belongs.


FlattopMaker t1_jdtqmfz wrote

Gun Fu is a new style and type of filmmaking, and in that sense the genre has changed filmmaking and movies. John Wick happens to be at the forefront of Gun Fu. I get the writer and editor had an assignment to promote John Wick 4, but they should've picked different content to do that because the article actually does Gun Fu as a genre a disservice. I don't find the John Wick world-building to be that deep even taking into consideration the upcoming spinoffs, unlike Guillermo del Toro's stuff, LoTR, Harry Potter, etc.


BreakintotheTrees t1_jdtw97r wrote

Gun fu has been around since the 80s with John Woo, it's not new


FlattopMaker t1_jdtyaf7 wrote

Gun fu is new to films because it has only been around since the 80s, and popularized in the west through The Matrix franchise.
