Submitted by EngineeringOk3975 t3_125wz3z in movies

For me, it’s Nerve starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco.

I’ve always been a fan of “deadly games” movies ever since I learned about H.H. Holmes and watched the Saw movies when they first released. Plus, I love Emma and Dave as actors, so the film had to be good.

Parts of it were, but other parts weren’t.

I found it hard to believe the police wouldn’t get involved with a public app that’s very purpose is people doing illegal and dangerous things.

Dave and Emma didn’t have much chemistry, either, and the ending felt very rushed.

So yeah, which movies do you want to like but have a hard time doing so because of their flaws? 👀



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TrueLegateDamar t1_je6dffu wrote

John Wick. Feel I should love the series as a sucker for movies about assassins but most of the action sequences never really clicked for me, find them offputting for some reason.


Dragonborn83196 t1_je6dt0x wrote

Polar Express is one, my wife and stepsons love it along with many other people but the animation style turns me off to it.


sledgehammer_77 t1_je6du38 wrote

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

Its just too damn dry to keep my interest for more than 10 minutes.


bluejester12 t1_je6euhu wrote

The Big Lebowski. Tried it twice. I guess I can see why people like it, but it just doesn’t work for me.


Nizamark t1_je6ft2a wrote

the whale. i was ready to love it, but it did nothing for me.


Alive_Ice7937 t1_je6gjsr wrote

It's because the guys Wick fights are hopelessly inept and Wick always runs out of ammo at the perfect blind spot to fight someone hand to hand without being fired upon. There's just no sense of danger which just left me kind of non plused.


JSR73 t1_je6icqr wrote

Banshees of inisherin


Sharkfeet19 t1_je6m2uj wrote

Sense and Sensibility. Emma Thompson is far too old to play Elinor Dashwood and she and Hugh Grant have zero chemistry in it and it’s such a shame!!! It’s all ruined due to the casting. Apparently Emma Thompson insisted she play Elinor. Ugh.


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_je6mkn5 wrote

The first Godfather. I love the second movie with my life, and it’s one of my favorites ever, but the first one is just such a bore. I want to love it and enjoy it, but I just can’t.


hambluegar_sammwich t1_je6o1qk wrote

I stopped enjoying children’s animated movies at around 6 when the boys got outvoted by the girls at our after school care and we had to see the Little Mermaid instead of The Wizard. Years later as CG took over a trend started of adults, with or without children, watching children’s animated movies, and it never stopped. I don’t get it. The humor is designed to be the basest and least offensive. The stories, if not simply a remake, are extremely derivative and boring. The visuals are impressive but designed to be cute for children. When I’m forced to watch them because I’m possibly the only person on earth with this opinion, I will find some visuals cool and the occasional moment funny or touching, but mostly I feel like I’m watching derivative crap designed to sell merchandising.

So yeah, I want to like this genre of movie because it seems to make people angry that I don’t, but I genuinely don’t get the appeal to anyone over 10.


Ill-Abrocoma-154 t1_je6od0c wrote

Everything Everywhere All at Once

I can definitely understand why people enjoy it, but I just couldn’t get into it myself.


IntraspaceAlien t1_je6phx7 wrote

Amelie. Quirky foreign film is right up my alley, but for whatever reason I just did not like it.


Spankywzl t1_je6qam4 wrote

Thor: Love and Thunder
There is such a thing as too much Wacko Tahiti.

The Joker I liked it the first time I saw it, when it was called Taxi Driver and King of Comedy.


ArtfulMegalodon t1_je6xj4g wrote

Most of del Toro's work. Also, most of LAIKA studio's films, though most of their films I at least like or find passable. Del Toro's I actually dislike half the time. There just seems to be something missing for me. But he has such passion, and you can see it all in the final product, the artistry, etc... it just doesn't completely come together as a story.

I answer del Toro because most of what he makes comes so close to being something I'm sure I would love!


WH1SKEYHANGOVER t1_je6yejo wrote

All of Wes Anderson’s work. It just one giant snore fest for me


kavorka999 t1_je6z7tc wrote

Glass Onion. I really enjoyed Knives Out.


Dear-Bandicoot7087 t1_je71xi7 wrote

Beauty and the Beast

Belle falling in love with her captor makes me uncomfortable.


Dear-Bandicoot7087 t1_je72d08 wrote

This phenomenon is called “Identification with the Aggressor.” It’s actually my favorite defense mechanism to study and research. I find it extremely interesting. But I don’t love it being glorified through Disney’s supposedly most intelligent princess 😑


MonikerBoy t1_je73uet wrote

I want to like Law Abiding Citizen, but the ending always ruins it for me


[deleted] t1_je7doq5 wrote

I grew up reading Marvel Comics. Can't get into the movies for some reason, they feel cynical and soulless


NoirPochette t1_je7ieya wrote

Lincoln. It's just so dull and long lol

I can watch 3 hour movies but this movie, nah. It's a great film but I can't just watch it

Also Disney's Snow White. I don't like her voice lol. It's grating to me. Also Wolf of Wall Street. I watched but it's like not a movie I enjoyed but it should have been.


charleyismyhero t1_je7kkha wrote

Anything from 2020-2021. Dead serious. I’ve watched a handful of movies from these 2 years; didn’t like any of them. I try to find something I’d like to watch from then - nothing looks even remotely intriguing.


twiday t1_je7knk2 wrote

A Clockwork Orange; I’ve tried watching it 3 times and I just can’t seem to get into it.


a-c-moore t1_je83n6m wrote

I love a good spy movie but I feel like spy movies have to walk such a narrow tightrope to be good. If you make them too twisty-turny and hard to follow, audiences will lose track of what's going on, get bored, or feel dumb. If you make them too easier to figure out, they'll seem cliche and audiences will think the movie is dumb. They need to hit that perfect middle ground where the audience can be surprised by the twists, but also understand them.

I feel like Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy was more of the former. I read the book before seeing it and I still wasn't entirely sure who was who and what was supposed to be happening.

I might just be dumb though.


Elthran t1_je8e8kt wrote

I'm with you on this. All my friends seem to love kids movies. For me they are fine to watch with my kid, but I would never want to watch them alone. They are just watered down versions of movies with very tame themes and jokes meant to appeal to both children and sometimes adults. I just can't fathom how you could get really into them. The latest Star Wars and Avengers are basically becoming kids movies as well and I just find them insanely boring. They don't need to be dark but I much prefer when they are written for an adult audience and have complex themes.


Roses_In_The_Closet t1_je8gtfw wrote

Walter Mitty. It feels like someone was trying to make a Wes Anderson movie but forgot to put heart in and make it pretty


FatherMellow t1_jeagln3 wrote

Snyder's DC Movies. I love DC but his movies and especially his fans just get worse the longer they go on. Getting told "yOu jUsT dOnT gEt hIs mOvIeS mAn, sNyDeR jUsT rEaLlY 'gEtS' tHe cHaRaCtErs mAn."

😒 Pffffff, okay suuure.... No he doesn't and the movies are mediocre at best. (Go ahead and downvote me snyder fanboys, doesn't make it less true.)


rebelwithoutaclue88 t1_jebfbcp wrote

I think the last movie I watched that I really wanted to love but just didn't was A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, the film with Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers.

I really thought I'd love it, or at least like it, but there was just enough off about it, decisions either with the story or the acting that on their own wouldn't have ruined the movie, but added all together just left me feeling disappointed in the final product

There were things about it that I really did love, especially as someone who grew up watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Using shots of model planes and cars for transitions between locations like the show did was a very nice touch (and the one time they didn't do that it works for what they're going for). But overall, I walked out of the movie feeling let down. I don't know if it was because I set my expectations too high and it was just different than I was expecting or what, but I heard a lot of people really loving it and it just didn't work for me.


Djangooofr t1_jebqc8z wrote

Creed: I tried to watch it but I think the plot is really too simple because my attention was at zero after less than an hour, also it was pretty predictive