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DoYouLikeHueyLewi5 t1_je5t897 wrote

Even if you took the movie as 100% fact (which it’s not), I completely disagree that you could say Zuckerberg stole Facebook. In the movie the Winklevi twins had an idea to make a Facebook, something that already existed on college campuses (Harvard included) and on MySpace. Their big idea was to make it exclusive. Not only did Mark and his roommates program the whole thing, the idea that drove Facebook initially was taking the college experience and putting it online. What are your friends doing and who are they dating. It was like opening a door to every other college campus, which was huge especially in the Northeast where you can hit 20 colleges within an hours drive. I think Zuck in the movie said it best: “If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you would’ve invented Facebook”.


TheWorstYear t1_je6t01h wrote

That's not legally how it works. Mark agreed to a contract where he would develop the website, took a look at the work & code already developed towards the site, & then went & made his own based off of what he saw. That's textbook theft.


DoYouLikeHueyLewi5 t1_je774r9 wrote

Which is why he paid a massive settlement. I never said what he did was right (it wasn’t) or ethical (it wasn’t), but Mark made it happen and that’s all that really matters.


TheWorstYear t1_je7cqye wrote

No it isn't.


DoYouLikeHueyLewi5 t1_je7fjha wrote

Lmao okay


DynamicPJQ t1_je7rung wrote

You’re not thinking about this from a legal perspective whatsoever