Submitted by HotSwordfish23 t3_127th34 in movies

Throughout some time of being on this subreddit, I think we've all noticed some tropes, whether is be posts or types of comments, that are often annoying or amusing. One example would be every time a user brings up Requiem for a Dream, they (or someone else) will always mention that it is a movie that they will never see again. What are some examples that some of you have come across?



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toofarbyfar t1_jefqm7m wrote

Everything is overrated or underrated. No one has ever rated anything correctly.


Lmao1903 t1_jefx801 wrote

It could literally be a massive box office success that had a huge cultural impact and someone will call it underrated because they haven’t seen someone make a reddit post about it in the last week.


barnegatsailor t1_jefzk1u wrote

Or because it came out a before they were born they feel like it's some slept on indie.


narrow_river0 t1_jeg2j5a wrote

Flip that as well for a massive box office success and popular deem it instantly overrated


Lmao1903 t1_jeg33ty wrote

I guess if its new, people call it overrated maybe because they don’t like it and it annoys them that everyone talks about it. If its an older movie, then its different.


Yannick_Leroc t1_jeg17yj wrote

Quite often underrated or overrated at the same time, depending on who's doing the rating.


AdmiralAkbar1 t1_jefsnz0 wrote

This is something endemic to online movie discourse as a whole, but too many people treat movies less like entertainment and more like IQ tests where the more plot holes you point out, the smarter you are.


ImportantPainting t1_jeg9to4 wrote

I blame Cinema Sins for this trend, they really screwed up movie discussions


Yannick_Leroc t1_jeg2smr wrote

You pretty much described the whole EFAP crew and their whole cultish fanbase.


JustAMan1234567 t1_jefrck8 wrote

"My unpopular opinion is...." and it's a very common opinion.


ReeG t1_jefsp4w wrote

Reddit and especially /r/unpopularopinion in a nutshell


Lmao1903 t1_jefygw7 wrote

I think the whole unpopular opinion thing has become a way for people to get people to talk about a topic that they want to talk about without saying “I just saw movie XYZ and thought it was great, lets talk about it in this thread”, which I guess would be kind of weird. Like whenever I search this sub for some 30 year old movie I just watched, only upvoted ones with discussion are either “X movie is amazing, Y was so good playing that character” or “Z movie is criminally underrated. How is no one talking about it?”.


enough-rope t1_jefrdpk wrote

Big Trouble in Little China: the main character is actually the side kick.

Any movie with a hacker: they press too many buttons.

Marvel movies: the jokes undercut the seriousness of a live action cartoon.

Movie I like: underrated.

Movie I hate: overrated.

Movie that makes me feel uncomfortable but there's actually nothing wrong with it: problematic.

Sequels/prequels: need to stop.... unless it's a franchise I like.


barnegatsailor t1_jefzzoh wrote

>Movie that makes me feel uncomfortable but there's actually nothing wrong with it: problematic.

Building off of this one; movies where the protagonist is a terrible person or amoral character are problematic because they're "praising terrible behavior".

Like, no, the whole point of a movie with terrible person as the protagonist is to explore how being a bad person will eventually cause you ruin in the end.


cockblockedbydestiny t1_jegplin wrote

This is also the reason comedy gets unfairly shit on: in the name of white knighting or whatever people will deliberately misunderstand the butt of the joke and assuming whomever is saying it is perpetuating harmful stereotypes. This in spite of how ridiculous it would be for an obviously intelligent, talented person to be saying this stuff for real (and that it usually wouldn't even qualify as a joke to begin with if they were being serious about it)

Artists need to have the freedom to depict problematic characters or situations, otherwise it just comes off as preaching


erniebarguckle213 t1_jeggiwr wrote

Third point is keeping me from upvoting this. Marvel humor really does suck.


Dragonborn83196 t1_jegogjh wrote

I second that, it’s way over used and takes away from so many scenes that could have had so much more impact if it were taken seriously instead, I’m all for humor, but use it wisely. Don’t make light of every single scene.


Inkthinker t1_jefzcva wrote

Your first point is just a Lucky Ten Thousand problem… you’re never gonna run out of people discovering things for the first time, or people wanting to share this thing they just learned with others. That’s just people learning.

Replace Big Trouble with anything else, literally any other topic, and somewhere there will be someone moaning about how tired they are of hearing about a detail that is familiar to them, but not to others. Oh god, yes, everyone knows that the infinite tessellation of non-Euclidean space is a hyperbolic honeycomb, so sick of hearing about it.


njdevils901 t1_jefskiz wrote

"Hidden Gems": Moon, The Nice Guys, King Arthur (Guy Ritchie), Edge of Tomorrow, Event Horizon, etc.

Posting horribly racist and sexist comments when a movie that has anyone but white men in it.

Any movie that is weird, outside of the norm, or an indie film gets barely any comments or traction, and you have users in comments going: "looks boring", "who cares"


barnegatsailor t1_jeg0gzw wrote

Redditors: Nothing new and creative is made anymore, it's all established IP. The film industry is ruined because of Disney/Marvel/DC/whatever brand.

Also redditors: Oh a director made an original film? I don't know who any of those characters are and it isn't rooted in something I already know. Therefore, I'm scared to pay money to see it.


AntiqueCelebration69 t1_jegu7aw wrote

> Any movie that is weird, outside of the norm, or an indie film gets barely any comments or traction, and you have users in comments going: “looks boring”, “who cares”

Pretty much any non-capeshit. Shit I’ve seen people call classics like Lawrence of Arabia and Casablanca “boring”

This sub is allergic to art in films


bronet t1_jeh00vn wrote

Adam Sandler got robbed at the Oscars for Uncut Gems


splader t1_jegzrbh wrote

Tbh at this point I'd argue that complaining about people calling moon a hidden gem is more of an r/movies trope.


NoDisintegrationz t1_jefrhvg wrote

  1. Never using objective correctly. Sometimes they will even admit that they know movies are subjective then still trying to have an “objective” conversation.

  2. Complaining about any long-delayed sequel or remake. The bingo space would say “who asked for this?” even though most movies are not requested by viewers.


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jegu2gw wrote

Anytime someone claims the writing in a movie is objectively good or bad and does nothing to elaborate on that, I just assume they're insecure in their own opinion and want to frame it as the only possible correct take.


cbbuntz t1_jefrdme wrote

The Thing is the best movie ever made


erniebarguckle213 t1_jege2vo wrote

And isn't it awesome how the effects are all practical? Not like today's movies with all the CGI.


Minifig81 t1_jeftghw wrote

I mean... have you seen the schlock that it competes with? ;]


boybrushedred t1_jefxtej wrote

One I see a lot is “(Movie) is a masterclass in (editing/writing/acting)”


DonQOnIce t1_jefzmlx wrote

“They don’t make original movies anymore” comments by people who don’t buy tickets to original movies.


ReeG t1_jefsx9a wrote

Having super serious opinions and debates about very simple straight forward Disney pop corn flicks


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jeguloo wrote

I saw someone so desperate to prove superiority over the new Avatar that in the middle of an absolute word salad of a review they called the plot " incomprehensible." The film was many things, but the plot was incredibly straightforward. Trying to intellectually take down this particular movie by calling it "incomprehensible" is almost telling on yourself.


roto_disc t1_jefumif wrote

"What's the best sequel ever made?"

"What sequel is better than it's original?"

"What's the best trailer of all time?"


SmoreOfBabylon t1_jeg0fyi wrote

“What happened to this actor/why aren’t they in anything anymore?” and 75-80% of the time OP clearly hasn’t bothered to check IMDB because the actor in question has actually done a lot of indie/foreign/TV/stage/etc. stuff in the years since OP last saw them in something.


nova2726 t1_jefsblx wrote

xDisturbing Filmx is fantastic but I never want to watch it a gain.


pwmg t1_jeg33nx wrote

Or the this as a question. What amazing movie do you never want to watch again? Like 4 times a week.


pwmg t1_jeg3gmk wrote

OMG I will literally die if I can't watch [A24 movie that just released a trailer] right now.


KindOfOblivious t1_jegvbf2 wrote

People saying “A24 is literally the only studio making the type of movies I like” when the movies they were talking about were only distributed through them was a favorite of mine for a while


PhinsFan17 t1_jefy7sh wrote

"Who asked for this movie?"


Other-Marketing-6167 t1_jeg0q5y wrote

The Batman was too long. Did you know The Batman was too long? I liked The Batman but it was just too long. Every movie is too long these days, especially The Batman. Did you hear that? The Batman is way too long.


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jegvehd wrote

I keep seeing people say they should have cut the climax of the film (in the flooded arena). You know, the part that fulfills the film's largest theme regarding the dichotomy of vengeance vs justice and brings the main character to a point of realization they likely wouldn't have reached if the Riddler hadn't gone too far.


JoshuaCalledMe t1_jegbkew wrote

Posting about plotholes and clearly having no fucking clue what a plothole is.

Not understanding something about a movie that was so blatantly stated it makes you wonder if they had the sound on during viewing.

Posting an incredibly well-known movie with the question 'thoughts?' like they've discovered some hidden indie masterpiece.


Blahblahlhab t1_jegfstq wrote

The same five conversations about the same five Gyllenhaal or Vileneuve movies (double bonus points for Prisoners).

Main promotional poster: "floating heads suck! They don't make me want to see this movie"

Secondary promotional poster that won't be in any actual cinemas: "now this is art! Notice the lack of floating heads? Those suck"


UncleTeddyBoss t1_jegr163 wrote

Can’t lie I’m a sucker for Nightcrawler, but your points still stand!


three_shoes t1_jefuvlv wrote

Being unable to explain how they like a film or performance without calling for an Oscar.

Everything and everyone halfway entertaining should have been nominated, it's a travesty, it's criminal, it's one of the all time snubs...


-OrangeLightning4 t1_jegw2pr wrote

Conversely, stating a certain film "won too many Oscars" without actually considering what categories the film won.

I saw someone bitching that Black Panther won too many Oscars because the movie was actually mid and the final fight was terrible. Do they stop and consider that the film didn't win best picture, or best screenplay, or best direction, or best visual effects, but instead won in categories that were fairly well deserved against that year's competition,? Nope. Just too many Oscars because the movie was just okay.

There's this misconception sometimes that if a film wins an Oscar that means the film as a whole has to be fantastic, when really it just needs to be exceptional compared to the competition in that specific category.


bronet t1_jeh0a1q wrote

People never get that for it to be a snub, it had to be better than at least one of the nominees. So you have to have watched at least one to even start making that claim. And if we're talking snubbed for the win, you have to have watched every movie nominated in that category


ImportantPainting t1_jeg9nbu wrote

-People never reading the article and jumping to insane conclusions based on the title alone (big problem on all subreddits)

-Getting offended by diversity

-"Still holds up!" after <10 years

-Super hyperbolic opinions (it's either a masterclass hidden indie gem or its the worst thing ever)


nintrader t1_jefv2fz wrote

Hidden Gem = reasonably popular non-franchise movie that didn't set a new world record for most money ever


charleyismyhero t1_jegfqwd wrote

“Oh you were dissatisfied by the quality of X popcorn click? Didn’t you know you’re supposed to physically remove your brain before watching any movie that’s not permanently listed on Sight and Sound?”


Minifig81 t1_jeftc1e wrote

Everything Everywhere All at Once is the best or worst movie ever.

The mods censor too much stuff that clearly violates the rules of the subreddit. ;]

Rants make people feel like they're important and they're professional movie reviewers...

The MCU is ruining the movie theater experience...


NbdyFuckswTheJesus t1_jeg68w3 wrote

“What’s the worst [BLANK] movie?”

… 3 posts down…

“In response to ‘What’s the worst [BLANK] movie?’ post, what’s the best [BLANK] movie?”


yallscrazy t1_jegcytd wrote

Hating a movie for showing racism or sexism even though the entire point of the movie is that the racism or sexism is wrong. Then getting torn apart in the comments for being a moron.


UncleTeddyBoss t1_jegq9gc wrote

An old school friend got in touch and asked if I wanted to see a film sometime so we watched Get Out. I thought it was brilliant but after the film they said it was shit because of how clearly racist it was since the black people were all working and the white people were rich.. safe to say I didn’t keep in touch.


Intelligent-Age2786 t1_jefw5yz wrote

“I personally don’t like Marvel movies, so that means they’re an insult to cinema and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong and doesn’t know what true cinema is”


Small-Low326 t1_jefx9vt wrote

“Oh you thought a recent movie was good? You don’t know movies at all the best movie of all time is actually a silent film black and white from Romania in 1937 that only 6 people have seen”


Yannick_Leroc t1_jeg21sb wrote

Just mentioned today that, imo, it's kind of getting old that every time someone nowadays mentions Kevin Spacey, even if only in the context of his (often highly acclaimed) work, they always have to make a disclaimer about what he's done irl, and especially their opinion of it.
Like guys, we know.
Everyone even remotely interested knows already.
Like someone said, you can appreciate Spacey in his movies without supporting his life choices.


ZombieJesus1987 t1_jeg511k wrote

insert popular movie here is an Underrated Gem


double_shadow t1_jegb4ce wrote

Entire front page is Movie Posters and Trailers from bots or karma farmers. Then the one guy that tries to post an actual discussion about a movie gets shit on for having an unoriginal opinion.


erniebarguckle213 t1_jegdt1h wrote

I'm calling it. The mods will delete this post. They can't stand criticisms of this sub.

I'm going to say gushing over John Carpenter's movies. Some people think every movie he made was a masterpiece. Seriously, In the Mouth of Madness was a good movie? No it wasn't, people.


djprojexion t1_jefz764 wrote

Recommend me some [broadest genre title imaginable]


jfi224 t1_jeg5rp9 wrote

You didn’t happen to just see that example like an hour ago by chance?


bluebirdgm t1_jeh57jk wrote

Looking back on [movie] on its [X]th Anniversary


Galac_tacos t1_jeftey0 wrote

That the Cornetto Trilogy is underrated. Don’t get me wrong I fucking love Edgar Wright and all of his films, and Pegg and Frost are brilliant, but fuck me how do people think he’s underrated at this point? Never met a single person who said they hated it or disliked it, only they didn’t get it, and everyone else loved it


Dumb_Blood t1_jefz107 wrote

There was a period of about 3 months when you couldn't get a day go by without some dude posting "Bullet Train is so awesome!".


the_hudge t1_jegkk77 wrote

“Am I the only one who has this extremely common opinion?”


Whatstrendynow t1_jegoop6 wrote

Ahh yes, the variant of, "anyone else....?" Only to pose a very common opinion or question.


Common_fruit t1_jegszte wrote

Saying that Denis Villeneuve is the next best thing since sliced bread. Calm the fuck down.


LilMeatSmoker t1_jegyn2k wrote

People here are obsessed with bringing up LOTR, The Big Lebowski, back to the future, and pretty much any other ubiquitously loved classics. Like..we know you love that shit let’s talk about something else lol


DarkLordKefka t1_jeg85g8 wrote

There will always be that one person who disagrees with someone for a personal reason that doesn’t apply to anyone else whatsoever.


Bonzai-Xenith t1_jegadq4 wrote

“I don’t like the film because it doesn’t have any likable characters”

I see this a lot, but why is it necessary for a film to have likable characters? Really weird criticism.


reedzkee t1_jegag18 wrote

WAHHHH... I can't understand the dialog. t's too low and the explosions are too loud

Requiem for a dream is so good and I never want to see it again.

Lord of the Rings is god's (peter jackson) gift to cinema.



tempaccountinterval t1_jegaqyp wrote

You would really enjoy r/movies circle jerk sub dedicated to this. I think it was at its peak when BvS was out and there was some crap about some online reviewer and Zod's snapped neck. That aside, any big famous filmmaker name except Nolan and Cameron will get you upvotes on this sub. Avoid dissing or giving personal bad opinions about movies which are rated very highly.

Always only diss on movies that are rated poorly, rated mid or by a blockbuster director.

ITs okay to hate michael bay movies or any big box office hit, except early marvel movies. Its okay to diss on snyder, big no no on indie films and a24.

Wes anderson movies are ALWAYS GREAT. Big snoozefest movies are usually wins on r/movies. Dramatic acting always works.

Its nice to say comedy actors doign serious roles is nice - appreciating that gives upvotes.


palookaboy t1_jegoqn4 wrote

MCJ feels a lot like an unironic circle jerk lately.


UncleTeddyBoss t1_jegqkr9 wrote

No trust me Nolan gets upvotes. Cant lie, only decent Nolan is The Prestige imo and I said I preferred puss in boots 2 to Memento and it’s safe to say it didn’t go down well with r/movies :(


tempaccountinterval t1_jeguyb1 wrote

I'm a big Nolan fan and think he is the best living director now. (not being sarcastic). That aside, I understand what you mean haha dangerous terrain.


nviledn5 t1_jegfn2a wrote

Having hard opinions about movie posters


spinereader81 t1_jegjlj2 wrote

"Just saw that beloved movie everyone's been posting about nonstop for the past two weeks. It's really good!"

"Who asked for this?" (I've probably said that one.)


UncleTeddyBoss t1_jegr9xd wrote

So I found this guy, he’s called… chris? Charlie? Oh yeah, Christopher Nolan. Not many people know about him, but WOW is he brilliant! Mind boggling films1!1!1!1!1!


splader t1_jegzj1d wrote

Nolan??!! Then I won't be able to hear anything!!!

Also, "Who even wants to go to the theatres? Every single showing I've been to has had terrible kids, or popcorn being thrown, or something else that disturbs me!"


augustus624 t1_jeh320k wrote

The Mummy is so under appreciated! They really don't make movies like it anymore.


ifinallyreallyreddit t1_jeg6qut wrote

One that seems to have died is Fight Club being the top answer to any request for recommendations. I kinda miss it, honestly.


UncleTeddyBoss t1_jegqxky wrote

better than “EEAAO is a great film that you might have missed! It’s a hidden gem that not many know about! It only won 7 Oscars so it’s very unknown!”


tra91c t1_jegldkt wrote

Watched the trailer, no need to see the movie now.


ifinallyreallyreddit t1_jegud38 wrote

On the other end, "I saw less than 1.5% of this movie's footage and know its basic outline so watching it is RUINED now".


Ceversja t1_jegmt6h wrote

Just the lack of encouragement and general unwillingness to explore cinema outside of a limited box of “this is what I like and this is what all movies should be like”. I know not everyone wants to risk their time to watch things they could find boring or incomprehensible but seriously; there’s so much more cinema out there people! From so many places! Yeah we all like the IMDb top 100 films but that’s only scratching the surface. Just lose the fear of watching stuff you’re not immediately familiar with.


cockblockedbydestiny t1_jegoz7q wrote

Since we're talking posts as well, I'll nominate that thing people do where there are already active posts on a topic, but they'll pretend they didn't see them and start another about the exact same thing... presumably because they see the subject is getting a lot of engagement and want to reposition it with themselves as the center of attention.

On a case-by-case basis I can't prove that's what any given individual is doing, but it happens way too often and sometimes it's such an out-of-the-blue topic that I have a hard time believing the 2nd guy thought of it independently without having seen the other post. Plus you can often tell it's about them getting attention because they're usually some thread-sitting mfers lol


Conjobbed t1_jegw9g4 wrote

A movie is popular, therefore it's good.

It's not trying to be Citizen Kane.

It's not supposed to mean anything or make sense.

Steven Seagal/Pauly Shore/etc. is the most underrated actor of his generation.


Pontiff1979 t1_jeh23fp wrote

Why are movies so dark these days?! Like I literally can't see what's going on!!!!


The-Grey-Knight t1_jeglss9 wrote

Guilty pleasure topics. Then you have people listing classic or blockbuster movies and they feel guilty for liking them? Doesn’t make sense.

For example, I love Road to Wellville, I think it’s hilarious and well done. But it was a flop and not regarded as a good film by any means. It’s my guilty pleasure to always enjoy it.